What is Communication? Communication is a two-way process. “Communication is about being effective, not always about being proper” - Bo Bennett - “Communication is about being effective, not always about being proper” - Bo Bennett - Sending and receiving information is an important aspect of competitive sports and the effective use of this process will make things much easier for you as a referee…
Types of Communication For Referees Verbal Non- Verbal MovementsPostureGesturesTonesWords While 70% of communication is verbal, non-verbal modes are certainly effective means of conveying messages
Modes of Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication Verbal Clear Controlled Calm Tone & volume of speech Non- Verbal Body language Signals Whistle Eye contact
Smile Be friendly Pre-Game Pleasantries Be genuine, not a robot Work with not against players Establish A Rapport You are not God Help the players Lose Your Ego Be selective to your admits Don’t be offensive Sometimes Admit Your Mistakes Explain when possible Manage players effectively Keep Talking Don’t be dismissive Be accessible without disrupting the game flow Be Approachable Don’t use arrogance and condescending attitude Talk To Players As Equals Referee Tools For Effective Communication
Why Communication Can Go Wrong? Poor Delivery No Reception Misinterpretations Occurrence Inconsistency Mixed Messages Messages conveyed can go as wrong time…wrong place diversity.
“You don’t notice the referee during the game unless he makes a bad call” - Drew Curtis - “You don’t notice the referee during the game unless he makes a bad call” - Drew Curtis -
How To Best Manage A Conflict? Conflict is an opposition of opinions or purposes which can cause a trouble. Referee need to ask himself when faced with any form of conflict whether this conflict is actual or perceived… Strategies to assist referees to cope with conflicts: Isolate facts from emotions Demonstrate empathy Don’t be defensive or try to justify your actions
Tips and Tricks… Don’t Worry About Bad Games Stay calm & don’t react to any childish comments after game Be professional & approachable to players to discuss incidents after game At the next game smile, adopt positive attitude & communicate effectively again Body Language and Tone Be confident & assured. Don’t exaggerate & show authority Consider players’ body language & reactions, it can help you make a decision Your tone should be firm but friendly. Once you lose calmness you lose control Don’t Be A Hate Figure Ongoing communication creates appreciation Everyone knows the laws, communicative style is what differentiates you Man Management Your people skills are just important as the laws, rely on them Use your common sense & experience to spot players before getting out of control. Intervene & speak!
Perfect Your Communication… Communication is a process, DO NOT JUST BE A SENDER! If players are managed effectively and you communicate with them, the application of laws will slightly be less important because you’ll have less incidents and problems Watch and listen to players reactions in order to judge your communicative style
“There’s nothing like making a decision when you’re a referee. It really pushes you to be very clear to make that decision and to sell it to everybody who’s there. You believe in it but you have to make sure other people believe in it, too.” - Suzan DelBene - “There’s nothing like making a decision when you’re a referee. It really pushes you to be very clear to make that decision and to sell it to everybody who’s there. You believe in it but you have to make sure other people believe in it, too.” - Suzan DelBene -
Thank You For Your Attention Ahmad Bayoumi