COSATU Submission on the Labour Laws Amendment (LLA) Bill 22 September 2016
Opening Remarks Opening comments; COSATU Parliamentary Office; Welcome LLA Bill; Support PC’s work; and Commend Ms. Dudley, MP.
Introduction Strongly welcome and support the Bill; COSATU struggles for paternity leave; Family context, support for mothers and raising of children; Gender equality; Role of fathers; Support for adoptions; Proposed amendments; and Nedlac processes.
Parental Leave 3 days family responsibility leave; Role of fathers; Support for mothers; Bonding with the child; and International examples; Africa and Australia; Scandinavia.
Adoption Leave Support for parents adopting children; 10 weeks vs. 4 to 6 months; and 2 years and under vs. all children.
Way Forward UIF actuarial studies; Nedlac processes; Parliament; COSATU; and PMB and cross party support.
Conclusion Support and welcome a progressive PMB (LLA Bill); Proposed amendments; Nedlac and Parliamentary processes. Benefit to millions of parents and children. Thank you.