Classroom News Mrs. Myers’ Word Study: Upcoming Tests: 2018 Nov. A Look At Next Week: Progress Reports go home today! Please have them signed & returned by Tuesday. November 20th – 2:35 Dismissal No School – November 21st – 23rd We will be finishing up Thanksgiving on Thursday on Monday. We will have a small test on Tuesday. You can use your packet that we have worked on in class to study! It is very important to practice your multiplication facts at home! After Thanksgiving, all students will have to spend at least 20 minutes a week practicing multiplication facts & get a log signed by their parents. This will be for a grade. When we get back from break, we will be reading The Best Christmas Pageant Ever! for Reading. This will take us a few weeks to complete. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at: Word Study: pilgrim mayflower turkey confused prepare pumpkin feast thankful survivor eels Upcoming Tests: Reading: Tuesday, Nov. 20th (Thanksgiving On Thursday) Word Study: Tuesday, Nov. 20th