Please check purple folders and initial planners each night. Johnson and Jump Journal Week of Nov 13-16, 2018 Please check purple folders and initial planners each night. Math Students will be learning about the distributive property of multiplication and multiplying by 4’s this week. The students will have a facts quiz on Friday on multiplication facts 0, 1, and 5’s This will be a practice test. Please practice multiplication facts at home. Unit 3 week 1: EQ: What makes different animals unique? Genre: folktale, Comprehension: problem and solution, Vocabulary: synonyms, Grammar: action verbs, Writing: sentence fluency Vocabulary Words: disbelief, dismay, fabulous, features, offered, splendid, unique, watchful Spelling words: whirl, third, girls, firm, fern, herds, stern, serve, hurt, nurse, turns, learn, pearl, word, world Science/Social Studies Reading Science – Types of Energy Social Studies-Veterans Day/Native Americans Dates to Remember Nov 12 – No School – Veteran’s Day Nov 13 – Veteran’s Day Lunch – Our lunch is at 12:15 Nov 15 – Thanksgiving Lunch – Our lunch is at 12:15 Nov 21-23 Thanksgiving Holidays – No School