LOWER PAXTON MEMORIAL VFW POST 148 PRIZES 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams will win a prize Additional prizes awarded for “Longest Drive” and “Closest to Pin” LOWER PAXTON MEMORIAL VFW POST 148 11th ANNUAL GOLF OUTING AT MANADA GOLF CLUB SIGN ME UP! Name:_____________________________ Phone:____________________________ Address:___________________________ Email:_____________________________ My Partners (Up to 3): Payment Due: $70*/each: TOTAL PAYMENT OF: $___________ PAYMENT METHOD: [ ] Check made out to VFW POST 148 5802 Union Deposit Road P O Box 4557 Harrisburg, PA 17112 Individual Golfers and Foursomes Welcome! Individuals will be assigned to a Team HOLE SPONSORSHIP $100.00 INCLUDES RECOGNITION AND A SIGN ON THE COURSE SCHEDULE OF EVENTS 0700 Registration 0730 Range Ball 0800 Shotgun Start/Team Play SATURDAY JUNE 30 2018 Registration includes: Greens Fees Cart Prizes Proceeds from the golf outing, mulligan sales , games and raffles will be donated to the VFW, Veterans, and Veterans Programs to include Wounded Warriors For more information contact: VFW Post 148– 717-652-4094 OR Joe Staudt at STAUDTJA@aol.com 717-554-7075