The Cadet Discipline System 2018-2019
Overview Blue Book Corrections and Punishments Merits/Demerits Investigations & Boards Appeals Class Absences Positions and Roles
Hazing Statement
Blue Book Regulations issued for the South Carolina Corps of Cadets Chapter 1 – General Regulations Hazing, Discrimination, Sexual Harassment Sexual Violence, Relationships, Alcohol and Drugs Firearms, Furlough, Parking, Safety, Tobacco Free Campus Policy Chapter 2 - Cadet Life Chain of Command, Academics, Barracks, Duties, Uniform Policies, Medical, Unauthorized Activities NEW that the Supply Sergeant is responsible for accountability and signing in and out as well as PRs and ERWs Minimize slide show and demonstrate to 4C how to find Blue Book on line from The Citadel Web site.
Blue Book Regulations issued for the South Carolina Corps of Cadets Chapter 3 – Fourth Class System Purpose of program, Relationship of UC with 4C Mentor program, Regulations and Traditions, Training, 4C knowledge, Push-ups, Recognition Defines a successful completion of first semester and second semester as a freshman. Freshman will eat a square meal Chapter 4 – Dining Hall Procedures Responsibility, Rules of Dining Hall and Athletic Mess Minimize slide show and demonstrate to 4C how to find Blue Book on line from The Citadel Web site.
Blue Book Regulations issued for the South Carolina Corps of Cadets Chapter 5 – Inspections Daily Inspection, SMIs, Musters, Health and Welfare Searches Chapter 6 – Discipline Deficiency, Performance Reports (PRs), ERWs Punishments, Counseling's, Investigations and Boards Transfers Annex A – Merits Annex B – Punishments Drug Policy Sit by class in a designated class room. EMI: Extra military intstruction Minimize slide show and demonstrate to 4C how to find Blue Book on line from The Citadel Web site.
Corrective Actions Expulsion (Highest) Dismissal Suspension Tours Confinements Restrictions Demerits/Merits Counseling Admonition/Reprimand On-the-Spot Corrections (Lowest) Extra Military Instruction (EMI)
Merits vs. Demerits Merits Recognize outstanding performance or exceptional appearance Demerits Recognize deficient performance or appearance Examples: Outstanding Academic Performance, Receiving an “A” grade on a test, paper or assignment – 10 Merits Improperly Shined Shoes – 3 Demerits No demerits for one week – 2 Merits
Suitability Hearing The SH is to determine if a referred cadet should be allowed to continue as a cadet, be suspended, or dismissed. Cadets who exceed their annual allotment of demerits (based on academic class) receive mandatory counseling's and, if required, a Conduct Review Board headed by the TAC and Company Commander. Annual Allotments: Seniors—160 Demerits; Juniors—180 Demerits; Sophomores—200 Demerits; Freshman—240 Demerits SH procedures are in Chapter 11, White Book.
Performance Reports (PR) Report of Improper or outstanding performance Submitted by faculty, staff, or rank holding cadets Includes Cadet Privates in official capacities (e.g. Officer of the Guard, duty team members, etc. CAS role in PR of Occurrence, Description of Action, and Signature of Reporting Official Time for Processing Performance Reports Written and rendered as soon as possible after the event, but there is no statute of limitations
Performance Reports (PR) YOU WILL RECEIVE AN EMAIL NOTIFYING YOU THAT YOU HAVE AN AWAITING PR TO RESPOND TO. DON’T IGNORE IT Para of the Blue Book directs that Cadets are required to check their E-Mail and read the bulletin board twice daily The PR will then be automatically routed to the cadet for whom the PR is written. It will also be logged into the Cadet Accountability System (CAS) automatically for tracking. PRs submitted for merits will be posted to the cadet’s record, and no further action is required. Cadets will receive an email prompt telling them that they have a PR waiting for them to respond to. The cadet will have five duty days to respond to the PR and submit it. Upon receipt of the PR, the offending cadet will either acknowledge the offense or attach an Explanation Required in Writing ; (ERW) and submit the PR/ERW electronically.
Performance Reports (PR) Cadets desiring a Commandant’s Board or Hearing will so state on the ERW. The PR will then automatically be sent to the Cadet Company Commander or Executive Officer who will then review the PR/ERW, make a recommendation and provide any rationale for the recommendation on the PR or the ERW. They will then submit it electronically where it will continue to the Company TAC, Battalion TAC and on to the Assistant Commandant for Discipline for final adjudication. Each of these reviewing authorities have 2 duty day to review and submit the PR/ERW to the next level for adjudication.
Performance Reports (PR) In the codes column of Annex B there are approval authorities annotated for some offenses (See Annex B and the legend at bottom of page). While these approval authorities are optimal, they may be overridden by the next or higher authority as required. Failure to meet the timelines outlined above will result in the PR automatically being sent to the next higher level for adjudication
Explanation Required in Writing (ERW) Response to a Performance Report With CAS, the ERW will be a part of your electronic PR. Click on ERW and fill out Chance to set the record straight Explanation Extenuation Mitigation PRs for which ERWs are not returned will move on to the next authority level for recommendation or adjudication. Cadets have FIVE duty days to fill out an ERW YOU WILL HAVE EMAIL NOTIFICATION OF A PR AWAITING YOUR RESPONSE—DON’T IGNORE IT. THE NEXT SLIDE IS AN ERW – EXPLAIN IT TO THEM. BE SURE YOU TELL THEM THAT SHOULD THEY GET ONE OF THESE THEY ARE TO COMPLETE IT!
Punishment Orders “PO” Printed document listing cadet punishments to include tours, confinements, demerits, and transfers Listed by Battalion Distributed Weekly (Monday and Thursday) Posted on Company Bulletin Boards by Company Clerks There are two copies, one with only Citadel Wide ID (CWID) only, to comply with FERPA, to Cadets and a second to staff with names.
How do Cadets Access Information?
How do Cadets Access Information?
How do Cadets Access Information?
How do Cadets Access Information?
Cadet Information System (CAS) Academic Major, Cum GPA, Last Term GPA, Hours Earned, etc. Conduct Confinements, Tours, Merits/Demerits, including details Leadership Must be filled in by Cadet Physical Physical Training and Ht/Wt History Leave Sign in/out Information updated each day at 0000hrs DEMONSTRATE TO THE 4C HOW TO ACCESS THIS SITE FROM THE CITADEL WEBPAGE.
Class Absences Class Attendance is Mandatory Punishment for Unexcused Class Absences 10D/15C 10th Academic Discharge for following semester Parents are notified by mail after 5th unexcused absence Cadets have 7 days to submit excuses to Academic Officer
Class Absences and Guard Class Attendance is Mandatory All members of the Guard are directed to attend class when their schedules permit Members of the Guard will not: Be absent from scheduled tests or labs Be excused from submitting assignments on time No more than four (4) absences per semester due to Guard Duty
Investigations and Boards Commandant’s Board (Highest) Formal Board Battalion TAC, Company TAC, Cadet Captain or above Company TAC serves as a recorder for board Class 1 Hearings Asst Commandant for Discipline Any Asst Commandant Mrs Redmond serves as recorder Suitability Hearing Asst Commandant for Discipline, Faculty Member, Cadet Captain or above
Appeals Right to appeal punishment Appeal Process Dependent upon approving official Next Higher Level Appeal Chain Assistant Commandant for Discipline Chief of Staff Commandant President BOV for Expulsions
Positions and Roles Company Clerks Post POs and Excessive Demerit Lists on Company Bulletin Board Supply Sergeants Cadet tasked with handling all PRs and ERWs within each company and the experts on all Cadet Regulations Responsible for ensuring all formations and accountability is logged into CAS and that everyone is signing in and out Company Commanders & Company XO Work with Company and Battalion Tactical Officers for recommending and adjudicating punishments Final adjudication: Company Commanders; TACs and Assistant Commandant for Discipline for Class II offenses. Commandant for Class I offenses. Only the President can Suspend, Dismiss, or Expel a Cadet.