Movement Analgesia Movement Analgesic Movement Anesthesia Loss or reduction in the ability to sense pain, but without loss of consciousness. Analgesia Fold here Movement Analgesic Pain-relieving drug. Fold here Movement Anesthesia Loss of feeling. Fold here
Movement Aphasia Movement Apraxia Movement Ataxia Disturbance or loss of the ability to use words or to understand them, usually due to damage to cerebral association areas. Aphasia Fold here Movement Impairment in the ability to use objects. Apraxia Fold here Movement Partial or complete inability to coordinate voluntary movements. Ataxia Fold here
Movement Cerebral palsy Movement Coma Movement Cordotomy Partial paralysis and lack of muscular coordination caused by damage to the cerebrum. Cerebral palsy Fold here Movement Unconscious condition in which a person does not respond to stimulation. Coma Fold here Movement Surgical procedure that severs a nerve tract within the spinal cord to relieve intractable pain. Cordotomy Fold here
Electroencephalogram (EEG) Movement Surgical procedure that opens part of the skull. Craniotomy Fold here Movement Electroencephalogram (EEG) Recording of the brain’s electrical activity. Fold here Movement Encephalitis Inflammation of the brain and meninges, producing drowsiness and apathy. Fold here
Movement Epilepsy Movement Hemiplegia Movement Huntington disease Disorder of the central nervous system that temporarily disturbs brain impulses, producing convulsive seizures and loss of consciousness. Epilepsy Fold here Movement Paralysis on one side of the body and the limbs on that side. Hemiplegia Fold here Movement Inherited disorder of the brain causing involuntary, dancelike movements and personality changes. Huntington disease Fold here
Movement Laminectomy Movement Monoplegia Movement Multiple sclerosis Surgical removal of the posterior arch of a vertebra, usually to relieve the symptoms of ruptured intervertebral disc pressing on a spinal nerve. Laminectomy Fold here Movement Monoplegia Fold here Paralysis of a single limb. Movement Loss of myelin and the appearance of scarlike patches throughout the brain or spinal cord or both. Multiple sclerosis Fold here
Movement Neuralgia Movement Neuritis Movement Paraplegia Sharp, recurring pain associated with a nerve; usually caused by inflammation or injury. Neuralgia Fold here Movement Neuritis Fold here Inflammation of a nerve. Movement Paraplegia Paralysis of both lower limbs. Fold here
Movement Quadriplegia Movement Vagotomy Paralysis of all four limbs. Fold here Movement Surgical severing of a vagus nerve—for example, to reduce acid secretion in a patient with ulcers nonresponsive to other treatment. Vagotomy Fold here