Getting Ready for your Final Exams: Strategies for SUCCESS!
This Assembly will help you: Create a study schedule Decide what course content to study for your exams Consider different ways to study Learn ways to minimize exam anxiety and stress
Common Exam Myths: Exams are much harder than regular unit tests Your grades always go down from exams Exams are always nerve-wracking, stressful experiences The same study strategies work for everyone
Exam Success Strategy #1: Make a Study Schedule!
Include all activities and SLEEP Include study time Include breaks Include all activities and SLEEP A study schedule will help you: Stay organized Use your time effectively Stay focused and realistic about what you need to accomplish Feel less stressed!
How do I Make a Study Schedule? Sample Grade 9 Timetable: Period 1: English Period 2: Math Period 4: Phys-ed Period 5: French
My Study Schedule Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 7:00-8:00 8:00-9:30 9:30-10:40 10:40-12:00 12:00-1:15 1:20-2:35 3:00-4:00 4:00-5:00 5:00-6:00 6:00-7:00 8:00-9:00 9:00-10:00
Fill in Extra-Curricular Activities and School Hours Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 7:00-8:00 8:00-9:30 Hockey Tournament 9:30-10:40 10:40-12:00 SCHOOL 12:00-1:15 1:20-2:35 3:00-4:00 Hockey Game Hockey Practice 4:00-5:00 Orchestra 5:00-6:00 6:00-7:00 8:00-9:00 9:00-10:00
SCHOOL Now add in Breaks, Meals, and Study Times for Each Subject! Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 7:00-8:00 8:00-9:30 SCHOOL Hockey Tournament 9:30-10:40 10:40-12:00 Study French Study Math 12:00-1:15 1:20-2:35 Phys-Ed Project 3:00-4:00 Hockey Game Hockey Practice Study as Needed 4:00-5:00 Orchestra 5:00-6:00 Dinner 6:00-7:00 Study English 8:00-9:00 MOVIE Free time! 9:00-10:00
Important reminder… Some of your extra-curricular, part-time jobs, and personal commitments may need to be put on hold or decreased during exams.
Preparing for the exam… Ask your teachers for the dates of all your exams. Write them down in your schedule. Organize your notes, and be sure to find a way to retrieve any missing notes if you were away. Consider past tests that were difficult, and arrange for extra help, with teacher, tutor, or a friend. Complete the exam review that you will be given from your teachers.
Strategy #2: Exam Review Handouts Most exam review handouts usually include: Time and day of exam Length of exam (usually 1 ½ hours) Percentage of your final grade that the exam will be Layout of exam (how many sections, types of questions) Materials needed/allowed (black/blue pen, study sheet, calculator) General study tips
Learn Different Studying Techniques! Strategy #3: Learn Different Studying Techniques!
For studying, it helps to know your learning style: If you’re an auditory learner you could try reading your notes aloud and discussing them with other people. You might like to record key points and play them back. If you’re a visual learner you could use colours in your notes or draw diagrams to represent key points. If you’re a kinesthetic learner you could use role-playing or building models to review key points.
Study Technique #1 – SQ3R Survey – get the best overall picture of what you’re going to study before you do it Question – ask questions to reinforce your own learning Read – actively read over the material and be alert to main ideas, bolded terms, and key understandings and details Recite – recall and then orally or through writing communicate the information – make connections Review – re-read, summarize key points, test yourself, ask final questions
Study Technique #2 – Create Study Notes Re-write class notes in your own words; there will be less notes to study from in the end! Write in short sentences or point form Use headings and subheadings so information is organized and easy to re-read Compare study notes to information on the exam review handout. Did you study everything that will be on exam?
Study Technique #3 – Memorization Strategies Some exams require straight memorization (ie. Science Terms) and there are many different ways to memorize. You have already learned one or perhaps both of these strategies! Make an ACRONYM: i.e. Math Class - BEDMAS = ??? Make an ACROSTIC: i.e. Music Class - Treble clef line notes: E, G, B, D, F = ???
Study Technique #4 Be the Teacher A great way to learn your material is to teach it to someone else. Find a friend, a parent, a brother/sister and try and teach them the work. or Have someone quiz you on your notes. You say the answers out loud to prove to yourself how well you know your notes.
General Study Tips Don’t study hungry! Grab a snack Study no more than 45-60 minutes at once; take short breaks (10 – 15 minutes) Breaks that include exercise will help with focus/memory! Limit distractions! (turn off your phone/computer), tell those at home not to interrupt, etc. Sleep is important (‘all nighters’ DON’T work!)
#1 Anticipation of the exam; fear while studying days before Exam Anxiety: Two Types #1 Anticipation of the exam; fear while studying days before #2 Stress and anxiety during exam; feelings can interfere with thinking clearly
3 Key ways to minimize exam anxiety? Be prepared… Organize materials night before Find time to exercise in the days leading up to exams Sleep and eat well - Study with ENERGY! 3 Key ways to minimize exam anxiety?
Tips for Exam Day!
Morning of Exam Wake up in good time to eat breakfast The night before, set out everything you need for exam (pen, pencil, calculator, review sheets, snacks) Plan ahead so you are on time; arrive at school with time to spare
Transportation… After your exam, you may need to have an arranged transportation home. The buses will run at the regular pick-up time of 2:35 on.
Beginning to write your exam: Survey the entire exam first to see what kinds of questions are being asked, length etc. Budget your time – how much time will you spend on each section Answer easy questions first to save time and build confidence Raise your hand and ask for help/clarification if needed! Objective exams include True/False, Fill in the Blanks, Matching or Multiple Choice questions. Your goal is to find the correct choice among the answers provided; the BEST choice that answers the question most completely and accurately.
While you are writing your exam: Read questions over carefully. You may have choice of questions to complete: ie. answer 2 out of 3 Multiple choice: first read the question, and see if you know answer before checking the given answers of a,b,c or d. Circle difficult or unanswered questions to return to at the end…
After you finish writing the exam: REVIEW YOUR ANSWERS! Resist the urge to leave as soon as you have completed the exam. Review and make sure that you: Have answered all the questions Did not make errors on the scantron sheet for multiple choice (if applicable) Did not make simple mistakes – take time to proofread spelling, grammar, punctuation, decimal points, etc.
In summary, your exams… ► Examine what you have already learned ► Do not include trick questions ► Are often similar to unit tests – just longer! ► Provide an opportunity to raise your mark ► Lead up to 5 days of NO SCHOOL!
Answer questions for prizes Study Skills Trivia Time! Answer questions for prizes
Identify one common exam myth
What are two questions you should ask your teacher about your exam?
List three things you should include on a study schedule
Name or describe one memorization technique
Name one thing you should do when you begin to write your exam
What is the date of the first exam? (this will be your Period 1 exam)
PLEASE STACK THE CHAIRS! After the assembly, your teacher will give you a blank study schedule and on the back will be some summary notes from the this presentation. Remember it is your responsibility to know when your exam is and where you should go. THANKS FOR LISTENING PLEASE STACK THE CHAIRS!