Writing Prompts 5/08/17 – 5/12/17
May 8 Socks come in many colors and designs. May 8th is “No Socks Day.” If you could design a pair of socks that would best describe you, what would those socks look like? What type of colors would you use? What designs or patterns would be on them? Would you include drawings? Be sure to include all the details as well as a drawing
May 9 On this day in 1754, the first newspaper cartoon was printed. If your school had a newspaper and you were asked to write and draw a cartoon, what type of cartoon would you create? After explaining what you would make and why, you can draw the actual cartoon.
May 10 Today is “National Clean Your Room Day.” We have all let our room get a little too messy. Write about something that you found during one of your room cleanings. It can be something gross, something you thought you would never find again, or even something that you forgot you owned! Describe the item and how it became lost in your room.
May 11 Today is “School Nurse Day.” Your school nurse or health assistant sees all kinds of cuts, bruises and other injuries. Describe the worst injury that you have experienced at school.