WTP Chemist Training Program Stephanie servi AET/570 Gregory Dlabach
Meet the Instructor Stephanie Servi Training Specialist at WTP 15+ years nuclear facility experience 20+ years analytical laboratory experience Instructor Notes: Introduce yourself and give a short background about your career and experiences. Ask the attendees to introduce themselves and tell a little about their background and job positions.
Why are we Here? Instructor Notes: Understanding why the facility was built and the mission of the plant all starts with the history of the atomic bomb. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA
Hanford History Video of Hanford history Instructor Notes: The video describes the history of the Hanford site from the time before non-native settlers came to the Columbia Basin to present day. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Goal of the Chemist Training Program The Chemist Training Program is designed to ensure the skill, knowledge, and behaviors of Lab personnel are held to the requirements of the job position and U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Instructor Notes: The Chemist Training Program is designed to align with DOE Order 426.2, which dictates training and experience requirements for job positions at DOE sites. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND
Objectives Training for the Chemist job role encompasses the following tasks: Make chemical standards Analyze samples for analytes of interest Supervise Laboratory Technicians Train Laboratory Technicians Review data Respond to off-normal situations in accordance with procedure Instructor Notes: Each job task is proceduralized and 100% procedure adherence is expected. Employees have the right to call a “Stop Work” if a procedure is unclear or if personnel feel that following the procedure would endanger other personnel, the facility, or the environment.
Attention to Detail The Chemist is expected to perform job duties with minimal supervision. Instructor Notes: Personnel safety is the responsibility of every individual. If it does not look right, feel right, or smell right, then stop, ask questions, get guidance. WTP personnel are our best line of defense against accidents. The expectation is that the Chemists are capable of perform their job duties with minimal supervision. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY
Making Standards Chemists demonstrate the ability to make standards in On-the-Job Training (OJT) in the Lab under direct guidance and supervision. Instructor Notes: Training for making standards is performed in the Lab under direct supervision and guidance. Personnel demonstrate their abilities and Lab practices in an On-the-Job Evaluation (OJE). This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Analyzing Samples Chemists will analyze the standards they have prepared and an unknown sample using the ICP-MS. Instructor Notes: Although most standards will be purchased pre-made, it is important that the Chemists be able to demonstrate the ability to make standards without cross contamination, be capable of analyzing an unknown sample and interpret the data, and identify the analytes of interest. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Supervising Personnel Chemists attend a Supervisory Training Course. Instructor Notes: Supervising Lab Technicians is one of the roles of the Chemist position. Chemists attend Supervisory training to ensure that the role and expectations of a supervisor are understood. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Train the Trainer Chemist assist in training Lab Technicians. Instructor Notes: Chemists attend Train the Trainer course to ensure they possess the knowledge and skills to sufficiently train Lab Technicians in their job duties. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA
Simulated Scenarios The Train-the-Trainer and Supervisor Training courses include simulated scenarios. Instructor Notes: Simulated scenarios involve realistic situations. This is intended to provide real-life experiences for the Chemists to demonstrate their ability to train and perform supervisory roles. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Responding to Off-Normal Off-Normal situations occur and Chemists are trained to deal in accordance with the applicable procedures. Instructor Notes: Due to the nature of the hazardous material that is handled at WTP, all personnel in supervisory roles are trained in responses to emergency and Off-Normal situations. Supervisory training involves initial as well as continuing training. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Your Feedback Training Department personnel welcome input to improve and update training courses. Contact the training department or talk to one of the trainers with feedback and critiques. Instructor Note: Feedback and input from attendees, trainers, managers, and Subject Matter Experts (SME) is critical to improve the training courses. Emphasis the importance of filling out the post course survey. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND
Contact Information Training Department personnel are located at the Simulator building and throughout T-55 building at WTP. Questions can be sent to WTPtraining@WTP.com or by calling the WTP Training Manager at (509)397-4409.