Syllabus review Mrs. Honn 2018-2019 Language Arts Syllabus review Mrs. Honn 2018-2019 How to contact me: Email: Phone: 425-837-5941
Common Core State Standards Reading Literature Reading Informational Text Writing Speaking and Listening Language (vocab and grammar)
Units of study: reading Dystopia 15 Titles Nonfiction 11 Titles Courage to be an Individual 16 Titles
Units of study: Writing Memoir (narrative) Photo essay (expository) Book review (research & argumentative)
Vocabulary & Grammar Vocabulary is a weekly event. Grammar will be practiced both as a separate skill and embedded into our reading & writing units.
Understanding Grades on Family Access Academics SUCCES INDICATORS Assignments 100% Work Quality, Work Completeness, Work Punctuality Assessments 100% - Tests - Projects - Summative work that demonstrates learning Work Habits 0% Work Quality, Work Completeness, Work Punctuality Initiative 0% Self-advocacy, Reflection, Persistence Collaboration 0% Team work, Inclusion, Participation Citizenship 0% Integrity, Conduct, Respect
How grades are calculated My gradebook is designed to show what your student has learned and how they participate in class. While assignments will have due dates and be checked for completion, they will be entered into a 0% category in the gradebook. They will show up as missing work if they are not turned in. Students will have many opportunities for self-reflection and growth.
retakes Students who do not meet standard an on assessment will have the opportunity to retake or redo the work. They must show continued work with the content in order to redo parts that they have not mastered and meet with me to go over their work and understanding before retaking. Students who meet standard on the unit work will have the opportunity to increase their grade by redoing their work if they choose. All students who retake part of an assessment or project will be required to meet with me to go over their work. All retakes are scheduled before or after school, or during a study hall/skills period.
Extra credit is not an option Extra credit is not an option. It is important that students do their best work and take advantage of retake & redo opportunities.
If students know they are going to be gone, please let me know and I will do my best to let them know what you will be missing in class. It is the student’s responsibility to get the work they missed and/or schedule a time to ask questions and make up missing work. Students have one extra day for each day they were excused to make up missing work.
Cell Phones Cell phones are NOT allowed in class. I do not want to see them, hear, them, or know that they exist – UNLESS: they have permission to use them on a class assignment or activity. they have permission to listen to music, but it would be instrumental tunes ONLY. Phones should be zipped away somewhere, not simply placed under the binder.
Community We are a community. Students are expected to be respectful. This means not interrupting my teaching or the learning of others. Students are expected to be kind. Students are expected to be involved in their own learning. Let’s have fun, and I look forward to getting to know your student!
Ways to support your student Make sure students have a homework routine for after school. Make sure students are reading & writing regularly, hopefully for enjoyment too. Read and write with your student. Listen to audio books. Join or start a book or writing club. Visit the library often. Have discussions with your kids about what they are learning in the classroom. Check Family Access often with your student. Check teacher websites regularly. Communicate with teachers about concerns. Encourage/require your student to attend 7th period if they need or want extra help.
How to access my website & week at-a-glance class schedule Mrs. Honn’s Website
Thank you for being here this evening. I look forward to knowing and working with your student.