What Is Happening & What Would You Do? Objective: Investigate medical emergencies and non emergencies in athletics
What is happening? What is happening? Sally finished first in the 100 meter sprint. It was the first time she ever finished first. Overwhelmed with excitement and fatigue, Sally could not get her breathing under control. She began to feel light headed and tingling in her hands and feet. She does not have a history of asthma. What is happening?
What is happening? What is happening? During the hockey game, David was hit hard with the puck in the throat. He is experiencing shortness of breath, pain in throat, and pain when swallowing? What is happening?
What is happening? What is happening? During the basketball game, Johnathon went up for a dunk and his finger got caught on the net on the way down. He is in intense pain and feels a tingling sensation in his finger. What is happening?
What is happening? What is happening? During the tennis match, Maria requests to stop playing. She appears to be frightened, is wheezing, and is struggling to take full breaths. What is happening?
What would you do if… A nail is embedded into the eye Call 911, Seat person in an upright position, Loosely apply a shield over the embedded object to prevent it from moving, Monitor breathing, Monitor and treat for shock Call 911, Gently lay person on the ground, Loosely apply a shield over the embedded object to prevent it from moving, Monitor breathing, Monitor and treat for shock Call 911, Protect the eye with a form fitting patch, Monitor breathing and treat for shock
What would you do if… Athlete breaks his nose Seat the athlete with head tilted backwards, apply ice for 15 minutes, send athlete to physician Seat the athlete with head tilted forward, apply ice for 30 minutes, send athlete to physician Seat the athlete with head tilted forward, apply ice for 15 minutes, send athlete to physician Seat the athlete with head tilted forward, apply ice for 15 minutes, allow athletic trainer to set the bones back in place, follow up with physician
What would you do if… Wrestler complains of Cauliflower Ear Cover with gauze and allow athlete to finish the match Cover with gauze and send athlete to physician Gently apply ice and send athlete to physician Give athlete pain medication, apply heat to ear, and send to physician
What would you do if… Gymnastic complain of this red mark on her arm that itches and burns Send athlete to physician for diagnosis and treatment Apply ice and reassess after an hour Cover and allow athlete to continue to play
What do you do if…. A hockey player is hit in the jaw and complains of pain. His jaw appears to be deformed but is not showing signs of shock Call 911, monitor breathing and perform CPR if needed, seat athlete with head forward to allow fluid to drain from mouth Call 911, apply ice, seat athlete in a comfortable reclined position Call 911, monitor breathing and perform CPR if needed, apply ice, seat athlete with head forward
What would you do if… Athlete complains of itchy eyes and irritated eyes. You notice crust on the eye lid. Ice eye and allow athlete to continue play Ice and cover eye. Allow athlete to continue play once redness decreases Do not allow athlete to continue to play. Athlete should go to the physician for treatment
What do if you if… Athlete gets scratched in the eye during the basketball game. It appears that she has a corneal abrasion. Send athlete to the physician for treatment Wash out the eye. If athlete does not complain of pain, allow them to continue to play. Wash and patch the eye. Allow athlete to rest until eye heals.
What do you do if…. Athlete is elbowed in the eye during a game affecting only the tissue surrounding the eye but not the eye. Give pain medication and apply heat Cover eye and send athlete to the doctor Apply ice to tissue around the eye
It’s Your Turn… On a shared google slides, create 3 emergency situations that could arise in sports that we have not discussed. Once you decide on a topic confirm with Ms. McCarley that topic has not been taken. Include the following on Google Slides: Scenario Treatment options Include in notes for class: Name of condition Symptoms Treatment