EL 120-College success (P2/PTCA) Friday, January 22nd, 2016
Class Agenda Check In MyClackamas College Planning Topics/Groups KWL Chart Group Presentation Instructions Homework for Next Week
Check in If you had a time machine that would work only once, what point in the future or in history would you visit?
MyClackamas Registration for EL-120: 264059 Locate Winter Term Schedule Locate Unofficial Transcript Locate Academic Evaluation
College Planning Topics & Groups Choosing a College (Group 1) Stephanie, Taylor, Rebecca, Arden, Melina Admissions Requirements (Group 2) Kash, Margo, Angie, Tishchenko, Sofiya Standardized Testing (Group 3) Berezovski, Haley, Chelsea, Blake, Zubenskiy Application Process/Timeline (Group 4) Serena, Avalon, Amy, Mariya, Financial Aid/Paying for College (Group 5) Madison, Joe, Grace, Kate, Zuyev Extracurriculars/Resume Building (Group 6) Cristian, Andrew, Sam, Anisiya,
KWL Chart What I Know What I Want to Know What I Learned Choosing a College Degree options by school? How do you compare colleges? Transfer credits? Dual credit accepted? Affordable housing options? freshman vs transfer housing options? Size? location? public vs private? fraternity/sorority? Extracurricular options? Diversity? Urban vs Rural? Study abroad programs? Graduation rates? Cost? Admissions Requirements Average GPA accepted, GPA requirement, Test score requirement, transfer credits, application, HS curriculum requirements, Locate application, what are the prereq’s? where to locate pre-req’s? Standardized Testing What is the SAT? What is the ACT? What is the difference? How much do they cost? Which schools accept which test? Is there a preference? How to study and prepare for the test? Study timeline? Do I need to add the writing test to the ACT? If so, why? Do I need an SAT Subject test? If so, why? Average scores: ACT/SAT?, What scores should I shoot for? Where do I test? How do i register for the test? when should I test? Application Process/Timeline How long does it take? Admissions/application essays (personal statements), Locate application, due dates, preparation timeline, pieces to the application, letters of rec or rec forms, early decision? early application? application fee? Financial Aid/Paying for College Where to apply, How to apply, When to apply? What is FAFSA? What is a financial aid package? What is included in financial aid? Scholarships - where to find, how to access, what are they looking for? am I qualified? What is a grant? Work study? Loans? Extracurriculars/Resume Building Resume quality - structure, information, design/style, key components, activities, athletics, clubs, service hours, internship hours, work experience,
Group Presentation Instructions Presentations should be 5 - 7 minutes long Each person in the group should present for about a minute A Google slides presentation should be included A “Tip Sheet” and “Resource/Reference List” in a Google doc to be shared with me All groups will present in class on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5th!!!
Homework for next week Complete a one-page write up in Google Docs on your group's topic using a K/W/L grid. Outline what you already KNOW, what you WANT to learn, what you plan to LEARN about each college planning topic: Choosing a College, Admissions Requirements, Standardized Testing, Application Process/Timeline, Financial Aid/Paying for College and Extracurriculars/Resume Building. DUE 1/29 Outline for College Planning Mini-Presentations - Each group needs to submit one outline via Google docs including what topics you plan to cover, who will present on each topic and the sources you plan to use. Makes sure to cite your sources. Make sure the names of all group members are included on the outline. DUE 1/29 Prepare for Group Presentations - Friday, February 5th