Robot Lawn Mower Jillian Trout
What is it? The robotic lawn mower is an autonomous robot that cuts your lawn. A normal lawn mower requires a person to control speed, direction and various other things but the robotic lawn mower is self operating and does all the work itself.
How does it work? Typically, these lawn mowers require you to set up an underground wire running along the boarder of you yard. This wire is used to guide the mower around the yard and to help navigate it back to its charging station when it’s done. The newer models are completely controlled by an app on your cell phone. You can turn it on or off when you aren’t home, or just simply check its path, how much it has done and how much longer it will be going for.
THEN Who Created it? Although the first robotic lawn mower was invented in 1969 by Mowbot, they have been completely re- invented in the last few years. As they have been becoming more popular companies have made upgrades and changes to their products. Today they are controlled completely on your phone and return to their charging station when done. NOW
Why? The Robotic lawn mower was invented to let people lay back and enjoy their day while the robot mower does all the work. No more long hot summer days riding or pushing your mower around your yard cutting the grass. This, Instead of This
How do the companies profit? The companies that make robotic lawn mowers sell directly to costumers or to home and garden stores. Many times, these products are also sold to smaller businesses that install the wires and help set everything up for the users. These companies are selling their products for up to 4,500 dollars each.
How does it benefit people? This product changes the way that we mow our lawns. Instead of spending hours on a hot summer day mowing your lawn, you can just click start on your phone and sit back and relax. The robotic lawn mower is also a good solution for people who just can’t time to mow the lawn. No one wants their yard to look unkept but sometimes we just can’t help it. Weather we are away or just busy with work, you can go on your app and press start.