Dr. Zhen Jiang Computer Science Department West Chester University CS062: 《数据分析及科研实践》 Dr. Zhen Jiang Computer Science Department West Chester University 2/21/2019 SJTU, 2011 Summer
Review process Relevance (select right target to submit) Technically sound (a significant technique depth, but need a comprehensive survey) Originality (Novelty) Enough reference (a complete survey) Abstract adequate English 2/21/2019 NUDT, Changsha, China
Our approach Make sure your writing is readable, including this presentation What are you talking about here? Abstract Introduction Conclusion Why do you need to do that? Not for your graduation For other people to evaluate it 2/21/2019 NUDT, Changsha, China
Detailed Requirement What’s new in this class? What’s the most time-consuming work (difficulty)? What have you learnt from this class? 2/21/2019 SJTU, 2011 Summer
Teaching style, learning style Teaching style, learning style*, learning goals, outcomes, time arrangement, working load, schedule, etc Outcomes Matlab basic Matlab figure Data analysis such as max, min, average, search, sorting Data extraction Data curving (processing) Matlab figure programming Manual curving (Question 4 in project 2) Use of Matlab figure (i.e., paper writing) Paper review Paper presentation 2/21/2019 SJTU, 2011 Summer
Submission Highlight, not complete sentence 1.5 minutes per page Each presentation per team Each presentation has 18 minutes for talk and 2 minutes for questions 12-15 slides (pages) total One version sent via E-mail: zjia6427@yahoo.com One version presented in class Evaluated by class and the instructor 30% interesting, 40% format, 30% convincible 2/21/2019 SJTU, 2011 Summer
Preparation Cover page Introduction Target Detailed approach / evidence Conclusion 2/21/2019 SJTU, 2011 Summer
Cover page Title Names (all) Affiliation Contact information 2/21/2019 SJTU, 2011 Summer
Introduction Background Related to your title or target Highlight the importance of your target Can use some samples from real world 2/21/2019 SJTU, 2011 Summer
Target Clearly tell audience what you what to talk One target only 2/21/2019 SJTU, 2011 Summer
Details & conclusion Strongly support your talking topic 2/21/2019 SJTU, 2011 Summer
Comments or suggestions? E-mail to zjia6427@yahoo.com 2/21/2019 SJTU, 2011 Summer