Transportation policy 5th Annual Transportation Forum Office of Government-wide Policy Overview Lois Mandell, Transportation Policy Director Office of Asset & Transportation Management March 26, 2015
Topics Overview of OGP Transportation Authorities & Regulations Legislation & Regulations GSA Transportation Amendment process Federal Management Regulations & Bulletins Update Training Webpages Transportation Reporting
Overview of GSA’s Office of Government-wide Policy OGP has 6 offices Asset & Transportation Management has 8 policy areas Aviation, mail, motor vehicles, personal property, real property, transportation, travel and relocation Committee Management Secretariat (FACA) More information @ Acquisition Policy: FAR, FAI, Debarment & Suspensions Information, Integrity, and Access: Section 508; Federal Identity, Credentialing (FICAM), DotGov, Federal Public Key Infrastructure, NIST compliance Federal High-Performance Green Buildings: Green buildings Executive Councils: CAOC, CFOC, CIOC, PIC, PMC & PMAB Committee and Regulatory Management: Unified Agenda of Federal Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions Asset and Transportation Management (MA) Aviation Policy: Aviation policy, safety, acquisition, reporting thru FAIRS, disposal and training Committee Mgt Secretariat: Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) Mail Policy: Mail policies, best practices, USPS liaison, reporting thru SMART Motor Vehicle Policy: Policies, VAM, reporting, and training Personal Property: Policies and regulations on types of property, accountability, acquisition, disposal, ethics & training Real Property Policy: EO 13327 “Federal Real Property Asset Management” & Federal Real Property Profile (FRPP) Transportation Policy: Transportation policies, best practices, training, reporting Travel & Relocation Policy: Set per diem & POV rates, travel regulations, & training
Transportation Authorities & Regulations Federal Property & Administrative Services Act of 1949 Travel & Transportation Reform Act (31 U.S.C. § 3726) Federal Management Regulations (FMR) 41 CFR Part 102-117 Transportation Management 41 CFR Part 102-118 Transportation Payment and Audit Governmentwide Transportation Policy Council
Legislation, Regulations, Operations and GSA’s Transportation Organization Laws EOs, Memos, Circulars Regulations Operations Office of Government-wide Policy, Transportation Policy FAS, Center for Transportation Mgt Transportation Audits Div
The Regulation Amendment Process Proposed rule drafted GSA approves OMB shares with agencies GSA vets comments and approves Released to Federal Register Collect comments on OGP redrafts final rule GSA Approves OMB approves & publishes final rule 2.5+ Years! Office of Government-wide Policy (OGP)
Transportation & Mail Amendments Transportation Reporting (final rule) FMR 102-118 Transportation Payment and Audit (Phase I) FMR 102-118 Transportation Payment and Audit (Phase II) FMR 102-192-Very early review 102-117 Transportation Management (FY16+) FY14: 102-118 Phase I: Transportation Audit Subpart A-General Subpart D-Prepayment Audits of Transportation Services Subpart E-Postpayment Transportation Audits FY15: Phase II FMR 102-118: Transportation Payment & Audit Subpart B-Ordering and Paying for Transportation and Transportation Services Subpart C-Use of Government Billing Documents Subpart F-Claims and Appeal Procedures Subpart A-General (return)
Transportation & Mail Bulletins Transportation Data Collection Delegation of Authority Transportation Rate Tender Undelivered as Addressed Mail Reporting FY14: 102-118 Phase I: Transportation Audit Subpart A-General Subpart D-Prepayment Audits of Transportation Services Subpart E-Postpayment Transportation Audits FY15: Phase II FMR 102-118: Transportation Payment & Audit Subpart B-Ordering and Paying for Transportation and Transportation Services Subpart C-Use of Government Billing Documents Subpart F-Claims and Appeal Procedures Subpart A-General (return)
Federal Transportation Spend Source: President’s FY14 Budget Object Class 22: Transportation of Things $12.55B Direct Obligations $18.5B Reimbursable =Total $31.1B Depicted are FY12 actual direct obligations for agencies with over $70M reported in transportation spend from Object Class 22 Source: pg. 54
Transportation Reporting Amending FMR to add reporting Goals Developing dashboards and input Tool-Federal Interagency Transportation Summary (FITS) Details will be in Data Collection Bulletin
Transportation Data Sources External OMB OC22 Data (Obligations) (Contracting) FAS TPI Syncada Audits Common Acquisition Platform FITS Agency Input, corrections and verification
Transportation and Mail Policy-Training GTPC April 9 10-Noon IMPC hosting Federal Mail Education Forum-June 3 USPS Postal Tour?? DCA Tour …May/June Online training Transportation Officer Training Program 60 CLPs Mail Training Program Currently 15 CLPs
Thank you! OGP’s Transportation and Mail Policy Lois Mandell, Director, 202-501-2735 Transportation Policy Lee Gregory, Deputy Director 202-507-0571 Mail Policy Derrick Miliner, Program Analyst 202- 273-3564 Cynthia Patterson, Sr. Program Mgr 703-589-2641