Learning Goal: I will define, identify and apply size and patterns in order to experiment with composition and explore value.
Final Composition What is a composition? What was the purpose of creating thumbnail sketches with pattern? What was the purpose of creating contour line thumbnail sketches? Look at the following slideshow so that you understand process, as well as criteria for final product.
Step #1: Observational Drawing 1. Begin with a close up point of view of your object going off the page. 2. Continue to draw your object using overlapping techniques. Make sure you: Overlap at least 5 times Show 8 points of view Go off the page
Final Paper Step #2: Pattern WITH A RULER!!!! Draw 3 vertical lines across your drawing Draw 2 horizontal lines through your drawing. Complete your drawing with 6-8 patterns and designs. Repeat patterns in different sections of your drawing to have a balanced composition.
Criteria for Final Comp. Write in your Journal Overlap at least 5 times Show 8 points of view / sizes Go off the page Use 6-8 Patterns Draw 3 vertical lines Draw 2 horizontal lines
Complete your drawing with Sharpie or color Marker. STEP THREE: Complete your drawing with Sharpie or color Marker.
Micro- Labs Micro Lab #1: Pre instructional Shoe Micro Lab #2-3: Post instructional Shoe Micro Lab #4: Vase Face Micro Lab #5: Monster Face Micro Lab #6: Seated Man Micro Lab #7: Thumbnail Pattern Micro Lab #8: Thumbnail Contour Line NEED TO BE COMPLETED BEFORE MOVING ON TO FINAL COMPOSITION.
Exit Ticket How can you create different values through using pattern? What is the term used for drawing an object with no value included?