Freshman English I Fall 2016 Everything (except text and workbook) will be put up on my website at the webpage for this class...
Freshman English I Fall 2016 This class is 2 periods long each time we meet. You must bring your text, no exceptions. The first period we will discuss the reading and consider some practice drills in the text. I may also discuss important points of grammar that you would use in writing. Your recitation class is important (20% of your grade) . Go to every class. The second period of class will be a worksheet that requires about 30 minutes to complete. I will not post these, but I will hand them out when I want you to work on them. Sometimes we will do the work sheet in the first part of class. The roll may be taken at anytime and may be taken more than once during the class. Bring a few blank sheets of paper to class each time. 15 minute breaks No sleeping, eating, phone swiping, talking in the class except when I say.
20% + 30% + 30% + 20% = 100% of your grade