Chapter 1 Section 1 Points, Lines, and Planes Geometry Chapter 1 Section 1 Points, Lines, and Planes
Objective You will learn to name Points, Lines, and Planes, … Name Segments and Rays, … Sketch Intersections of Lines and Planes, … and Solve Real Life problems with Lines and Planes.
Geometric Labels Geometric figures are named by labels. Points are labeled with capital letters. Lines can be named using lower case script letters or capital letters for the points contained within them. Use 1 letter for a point; 2 letters for a line, segment, or ray; and 3 letters for a plane or a capital letter in one of the corners. N B A W m C Point A Y X Line BC Line CB Line m Plane WXY Plane N
Vocabulary No formal definition but we understand what they mean. UNDEFINED TERMS No formal definition but we understand what they mean. A point has no dimension. A dot represents a point. It is the location of one value or position. POINT D A line is one dimension and has no end. It contains an infinite number of points and is a line with 2 arrowheads. E LINE F A plane is two dimensions. It contains an infinite number of lines that have no end. J PLANE K L
Collinear Points Points which lie on the same line. S T U Coplanar Points Points which lie in the same plane. D O G
Defined Terms A line segment consists of a line with 2 defined endpoints. It is the infinite # of points between the 2 endpoints. Segment Ray A ray is a line with one endpoint and continues on in only 1 direction infinitely. Opposite Rays A pair of opposite rays are two rays that have the same endpoint and extend in opposite directions. Intersection Geometric figures intersect when they share one or more points. Have students you call on label the points and then have others label the geometric figures.
Homework Page 8 1, 2,10-46 ev, 50-54, 55, 56-72