American Revolution-The Birth of a Republic Chapter 22.4 Bell ringer Pg 645 Q 1 Divide sheet of paper in 3 American Revolution, French Revolution, Haitian Revolution
*Causes of American Revolution Majority of the people in Colonial America were from England. Felt they should have all the same privileges as the English citizens in England People demanded more involvement in government Colonist objected to new British policies Stamp Act (1765): required the purchase of government stamps on newspapers, pamphlets, legal documents, playing cards, etc.
*Causes of American Revolution “No taxation without representation” Colonist saw this as a direct tax and Parliament had no right to tax them in this way because they were not represented in Parliament People rebelled against the government
Key Events Summary of events Boston Tea Party (1773): Boston Harbor is closed by the British Lexington and Concord (1775): Beginning of the American Revolution
*Key Events & People Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776 – Independence Day Written by Thomas Jefferson Based on John Locke’s ideas that outlined the basic principles of a democratic government.
People George Washington Leader of Continental Army First President of United States Thomas Paine Wrote Common Sense
*Declaration of Independence Purpose of government is to protect the rights of individuals “All men are created equal” and “are endowed by the Creator with certain unalienable rights” including “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”
Declaration of Independence To secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, “deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed”
*American Victory Treaty of Paris (1783) recognized the United States of America as a fully independent nation. Able to overthrow a foreign power
*Democratic Effects of the American Revolution 1789 the Constitution established the present government of the United States of America Created a republic with a President Stated the powers of, and limitations upon the government separated governmental powers among 3 branches National and state governments share power Forms a republic: Government that is ruled by a popularly elected representative not a king
*Latin America The American Revolution inspired most New World colonies of Spain and Portugal to revolt in the early 19th century and achieve independence
*In France The American Revolution inspired the French Revolution by encouraging the French to replace their absolute monarchy Plus the French aided in the American Revolution therefore spread their ideas back at home.
Enlightenment and American Revolution
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