«The land and the people of Great Britain». УМК И. Н. Верещагиной, О. В. Афанасьевой, 5 класс. Агапова Н. А., учитель английского языка МОУ «СОШ №6» г. Новомосковска, Тульской области.
St. George’s Cross
St. Andrew’s Cross
St. Patrick's Cross
The Irish flag.
The flag of Wales.
The Union Jack.
state Kingdom consist signs saint lonely 1.The United ________ is an island state. 2.The UK is the _______ which is situated in the British Isles. 3.You can see road ______ in Welsh all over Wales. 4.The patron ________ of England is St. George. 5.The UK ________of four countries. 6.There are many ________ hills in the south of the country.
Agree or disagree: 1.The UK consists of 3 parts. 2.The 2 main islands are Great Britain and Ireland. 3.The 2 islands are separated by the Irish Sea. 4.Everyone who was born in Britain is English. 5.The flag of the UK is St.George’s Cross.
Answer the questions: 1.Where is the UK situated? 2.What country is situated in the British Isles near Northern Ireland? 3.What countries are situated in Great Britain? 4.What is the UK separated from the continent by? 5.What is the UK washed by? 6.What river is the British capital situated on? 7.What is the northern part of Scotland called? 8.What is the nearest point to Europe? 9.How many people live in the UK? 10.What languages do they speak?
Give, quickly the names of: 1.The main islands of the British Isles. 2.The 4 nationalities. 3.The mountains in England. 4.The mountains in Scotland. 5.The mountains in Wales. 6.The sea, that separates Great Britain and Ireland. 7.The longest river.
Show me: 1.4 countries of the UK. 2.4 capitals of these countries. 3.The highest mountain in Great Britain. 4.The hills, which separate England and Scotland. 5.The highest mountain in Wales.