Before, During, and After Reading Skills Hamadi By Naomi Shihab Nye Before, During, and After Reading Skills
Preparing to Read Identify five text features seen throughout this story. Identify and define the Literary Focus element of this text. Identify and define the Reading Focus skill used in this text. What is the Writing Focus assignment and what are you asked to look for as you read the beginning of the text? Which Vocabulary words did you not recognize? How does this text help you learn new words?
Author Information Read the “Meet the Writer” section on page 164. Make a list of at least three important facts you learn about the author. Circle the detail you think is the most important.
Analyzing Visuals * Construct a small Venn Diagram that compares and contrasts the two pictures of bread below. Circle the one bread you would like to have at a feast of your own.
Vocabulary Tedious Archaic Vaguely Inquiring Surrogate For each of the vocabulary terms below, please write the definition, construct an original sentence that demonstrates your understanding of the term, and create an illustration to show you understand the definition. Tedious Archaic Vaguely Inquiring Surrogate
What can people who are different from us teach us about ourselves? Literary Response Hamadi Read the text carefully and note the way the author chooses a setting that might be unfamiliar to most. What can people who are different from us teach us about ourselves?
Preview and Predictions Before Reading Skills Preview and Predictions Make a list of the things you “know” or “think you know” based only on the text features. Make a list of at least 2 things you want to know, but you need to read in order to find out. What genre or type of text do you think we are reading? Why?
During Reading Skills Tracking Story Events Remember that tracking story events will help you to analyze and remember characters. Note how the author uses carefully selected adjectives to describe characters. Make a list of adjectives used to describe Mr. Hamadi.
Stop and Think!!! What are some similarities and differences between the holidays you celebrate and the holidays portrayed in the story?