“Studying springs and periodic motion with image processing” Summary: Summary: In this activity students will use image processing tools to study the motion of a spring. This will study periodic motion of oscillating springs, along with studies of forces and energy using Hooke’s Law. Period 𝑇=2𝜋 𝑚 𝑘 Force 𝐹= −𝑘𝑥 Potential Energy 𝑃𝐸= 1 2 𝑘 𝑥 2 Weight 𝐹 𝑔 =𝑚𝑔 What is period and how would you determine it from watching a spring oscillate? What is Hooke’s Law, and what does it say would happen to the elongation of a spring if the force applied were doubled? What about halved? According to Hooke’s Law, what should the slope of a Force vs. Elongation graph represent?