Modern Slavery: Where to next?


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Presentation transcript:

Modern Slavery: Where to next? WIG – Whitehall and Industry Group - Tuesday 9 October 2018 Miriam Minty – Head of Modern Slavery Unit Home Office

Modern Slavery Describes offences of human trafficking and slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour - Is often hidden but not always The ILO & Walk Free Foundation estimated there were 40.3 million people in slavery worldwide in 2016 The ILO estimates that global trade in humans costs $150 billion. Home Office Chief Scientific Advisor estimated there were 10,000-13,000 victims of modern slavery in the UK alone in 2013. In 2017, 5,145 potential victims of modern slavery were referred to the National Referral Mechanism (NRM); a 35% increase on the number of referrals in 2016.

Modern Slavery Act 2015 and Strategy THE GREATEST HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUE OF OUR TIME” – Prime Minister , Theresa May PURSUE Prosecuting and disrupting individuals and groups responsible for modern slavery PREVENT Preventing people from engaging in modern slavery PROTECT Strengthening safeguards against modern slavery by protecting vulnerable people from exploitation and increasing awareness of and resilience against this crime PREPARE Strengthening safeguards against modern slavery by protecting vulnerable people from exploitation and increasing awareness of and resilience against The Modern Slavery Act 2015 Gives law enforcement new tools to tackle modern slavery, including potential life sentences for modern slavery offences Enhances the protection and the support available for victims, including a new defence if they are forced to commit certain crimes. Created the role of Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner Introduces a world-leading transparency in supply chains provision requiring certain companies to disclose the steps they have taken to prevent modern slavery in their supply chains.

Significant Developments Reform of the National Referral Mechanism Independent Review of the Modern Slavery Act

The National Referral Mechanism (NRM) UKs support & identification system Bridge/acknowledgment 2017 Reform Objectives: Quicker and more certain decision-making that stakeholders and victims have confidence in. Improved support for adult victims before, during and after the NRM Improved identification of victims Improved support to child victims of modern slavery, who are supported outside the NRM

Quicker, more certain decision making, that victims have confidence in Establishing a single, expert unit which will be created in the Home Office to handle all cases/make decisions about whether somebody is a victim of modern slavery. Replace the current case management units in the National Crime Agency and UK Visas and Immigration and will be separate from the immigration system Introducing an independent multi-agency panel of experts to review all negative decisions, adding significantly to the scrutiny such cases currently receive

Increased support to victims before, during and after the NRM Providing Government-funded ‘places of safety’ for adult victims leaving immediate situations of exploitation Adopting a set of NGO agreed Care Standards as a minimum standards of victim support in all future commissioning of adult victim care contracts Increasing move on support from 14 days to 45 days – helping to create a smoother transition out of care. Establishing ‘Drop-in’ services for all confirmed victims for up to 6 months after leaving support to aid the transition Working with local authorities to identify best practice for victims to transition into a community and access local services

Improved identification of victims of modern slavery Introduce a new digital system to support the NRM process, making it easier for those on the front line to refer victims for support and enabling data to be captured and analysed to better aid prevention and law enforcement Consult on strengthening the First Responder role including on the criteria used to establish who should be a First Responder and how they should be trained  

Addressing the specific vulnerabilities of children who are supported outside of the NRM Continuing with the roll out of Independent Child Trafficking Advocates nationally Continue to test new and innovative ways of supporting trafficked children with partners Exploring how best to make the NRM decision-making process ‘child-friendly’ including looking at how we are communicating NRM decisions to children.

Independent Review of the Modern Slavery Act Review topic Relevant sections of the Act Transparency in supply chains Section 54 on transparency in supply chains Role of the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner Sections 40-44 on the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner Legal application of the Modern Slavery Act 201 Section 3 on the meaning of exploitation Sections 8-10 on reparation orders Section 45 on the statutory defence Child victims of modern slavery Section 48 on independent child trafficking advocates

Review Process and Timelines Review being chaired by Frank Field MP, Maria Miller MP and Baroness Butler-Sloss. Appointed 9 expert advisors to gather evidence from particular sectors e.g. civil society, criminal justice; Final report will be submitted to Home Secretary in March 2019; interim reports expected on IASC and TISC before Christmas. More information can be found at:

Useful reading

Contact Details Miriam Minty (+ 44) 207 035 5180

Modern Slavery: Where to next?

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