Computer Science 1 1/19/2011 On the record (paper) write the following Name:______________ Farthest from Salem:____________ Favorite Food: _____________ Favorite College: _____________ Top three college majors:_______________
Computer Science 2 Today: Understand how to save different kinds of information about a person in a record. On the record (paper) write the following Name:______________ Farthest from Salem:____________ Favorite Food: _____________ Favorite College: _____________ Top three college majors:_______________
What would you use if… You needed to store someone’s name, age, and phone number? What about name, strength, skills and position? What about a recipe: Title, Ingredients, instructions, … How about a song title, length of the song, artist name, ranking on your personal favorites list, … Pascal has a ‘data structure’ that can store more than one type of information in a single variable.
Program RecordsExample; type StudType = record name:string; age:integer; gpa:real; end; var Student1,Student2:Studtype; begin writeln(‘Please enter your name’); readln(; writeln(‘Please enter your age’); readln(Student1.age); writeln(‘Please enter another name’); readln(; writeln(‘Please enter another age’); readln(Student2.age); if (Student1.age) > (Student2.age) then writeln(,’ is older’) else writeln(, ‘ is not older ‘); end. Student1 Name:________ Age:_________ GPA:_________ Student2
Declarations and stuff In the Type section Rectype = record Field1:field1type; Field2, field3:field23type; … End; In the Var section Recordvariable:Rectype; In the Code Section Recordvariable.Field1:=…;
What do you think this will do? Program RecordsExample; type StudType = record name:string; age:integer; gpa:real; end; var Student1,Student2:Studtype; begin writeln(‘Please enter your name’); readln(; writeln(‘Please enter your age’); readln(Student1.age); writeln(‘Please enter another name’); readln(; writeln(‘Please enter another age’); readln(Student2.age); if (Student1.age) > (Student2.age) then writeln(,’ is older’) else writeln(, ‘ is not older ‘); Writeln(Student); end. Common errors Putting a ; here Forgetting the ‘end.’ What do you think this will do?
Write the declarations (Type and var) for a variable that needs to hold… Team Name, School, Total score (For a swim meet, wrestling meet, track meet, …) Project Leader name, Three goals (Sentences), Money allocated for the project, Project due date. Student name, Student ID number, Class schedule.
First Record Program Input an unknown number of Team Names, School names, and Total scores. (While loop) Output: The winning team. That is the team with the highest score. (If there is a tie, just show the first team with the top score.) (Note, you don’t need an array for this program.) Push: Same input as above, and show the schools with the top five scores. (You do need an array and a sort for this one.)