Alcohol & Society
Alcohol causes premature death in a variety of ways. 1. Alcohol Poisoning 2. Accidents 3. Diseases from long term drinking.
Drinking and Driving: Drinking and driving are a deadly combination. Drinking impairs: vision reaction time physical coordination judgement
About 14 million adult Americans have physical, social, and psychological problems related to alcohol use.
Alcoholism - A progressive and chronic disease that involves a mental and physical need for alcohol
Question: Do you think alcoholics know that they are hurting their health and their family?? YES
Alcoholics cannot control their drinking. They drink even when they know they are harming their health and hurting others.
Addiction to Alcohol: Physical Addiction - Body develops a direct need for the alcohol. Psychological Addiction – Mind sends the body a message that it needs more and more alcohol.
Stages of Alcoholism: Stage 1: A person starts using alcohol to relieve stress or to relax. Soon the person needs alcohol to cope with daily life. They begin to lie or make excuses about drinking.
Stage 2: As the person continues to drink, the body develops a need for more and more alcohol. The drinker may be absent from school or work but continues to deny that there is a problem.
Stage 3: The problem is clear to other people. The drinker’s body is strongly addicted, and the drinking is now out of control.
What is next for the alcoholic??????
Recovery - - The process of learning to live an alcohol free life.
Steps to Recovery: Admission - the alcoholic admits to having a problem and asks for help. Detoxification – a process in which the alcoholic’s body adjusts to functioning without alcohol.
Recovery – The alcoholic takes responsibility for his or her own life. Recovery cont….. Counseling – The alcoholic receives counseling on how to live without alcohol. Recovery – The alcoholic takes responsibility for his or her own life.
Sobriety - - Living without alcohol
The recovery process is very difficult but it can be done The recovery process is very difficult but it can be done. Many alcoholics join support groups to help them be successful. One of the best known support groups is………..
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) - An organization of recovering alcoholics
The harmful effects of alcohol do not affect only the drinker The harmful effects of alcohol do not affect only the drinker. Who else is affected???? -- The Family
Al-Anon - A support group that helps family members and friends of the alcoholic. They learn to help THEMSELVES first and then the alcoholic.
Alateen - - A support group that helps YOUNG people cope with having a family member or friend who is an alcoholic.
Why do you think teens have their own support organization?????
How you can help: When the drinker is SOBER, talk calmly with him or her about the harm alcohol does. Tell the drinker you’re concerned and encourage them to get help. Help them feel good about quitting and provide information about quitting