Personal Narrative English 10
Day 1: Sit in your Color Groups SWBAT: understand the concept of a personal narrative and begin to brainstorm a story to write about. Notebook catch up Notes Graphic Organizer Work time Reflection: What story are you thinking about sharing in your personal narrative. Was it difficult to come up with one or was it hard to choose which one to write about? Do you think that you will like this essay more than the others? Why?
What is it? A personal narrative is a multi-paragraph story that includes dialogue, sensory details, specific action, and personal feelings. Your story is autobiographical (it is about you) In order to get started, you will need to tap into your memory to see what experiences you can recall You could do a road map of your life (next slide) or just think of one event of your life that you could write about in great detail.
Road Map To get started, draw a windy highway on your notebook paper. Then note the highs and lows in your life on that map, starting with your earliest memories and ending with your most recent ones. You can also consult your parents to help you tonight to fill in the potholes.
Gathering Grid Choose three of the events that you experienced on your road map Use the gathering grid to collect details for your personal narrative Identify the event at the top of the box and then make a list of the details that describe it Incident 1: Details: Incident 2: Details: Incident 3: Details:
Personal Narrative Plan Start by… Then… In your conclusion… picking the title that supports your topic, message, and the story. Next, write an introduction. Quick Sketch B M E - help your reader remember the message in your story. Introduction tell the story. Conclusion Direct participants to the TG page and Tool listed on the slide. Direct participants to the handout packet and highlight the Introduction and Conclusion. Here is a Personal Narrative plan. It brings together strategies from both expository and narrative text. Review and elaborate on the plan and the colors. May 2011
Linking the Events You may choose to link the events that you brain stormed on the gathering grid If you choose to do this, make sure that there is a common idea or feeling that links these events For example: Lessons that your brother taught you Roles that teacher(s) played in your life Greatest lessons that you learned from your mom
Writing Requirements Five or more paragraphs Definite beginning, middle, and end Problem and Solution Show me—don’t tell me Must be in 1st person Typed—Times New Roman, 12 pt, Double Spaced Rough Draft in your notebook with clear revisions (you can do them yourself) Final Draft Due:_____________
Format Example Introduction Begin with an attention grabber that captures your reader’s interest. Example: “Sometimes it takes something terrible to realize what is important in life.”
Format Example (Cont.) Body Paragraphs (Your Story) Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence that contains a TRANSITION that shows the order in which the events occurred (First, Later, In the end, Second, Third, etc.) and the DETAILS of your story. Example: “The day began like any other day.” … “Later that day, my brother began to show his true colors and expose his lies.” … “After a day of much distress, I finally realized that I could be my own person and make my own decisions.” …
Format Example (Cont.) Conclusion The conclusion is just as important as the introduction; it is the last impression your reader will get of your story. Begin by re-stressing the importance of your thesis. Be careful not to use the exact same wording. Example: “Although the day I found out the truth about my brother was a terrible moment in my life, it forced me to put my own decisions in perspective and helped me to realize that becoming my own person was in my best interest.” … BE SURE TO REFLECT ON THE LARGER MEANING OF THE EXPERIENCE. IN OTHER WORDS, WHAT WAS THE POINT OF YOUR STORY? EXPLAIN THE NEW UNDERSTANDING AND WHY/HOW THIS EXPERIENCE OR EVENT HAD A PERMANENT EFFECT ON YOU.
Day 2-5: Sit in your Number Groups SWBAT: begin to compose their essays Work time outline and rough draft Reflection: What were the greatest roadblocks that you encountered while writing your essay? How did you work through them?