Causes of WWI – Right Side Using the entire paper, draw the following:
Causes of War - long term- MAINE Militarism - glory of war and military spending Alliances: web of treaties to protect themselves Imperial tensions- competition for colonies Nationalism- many countries torn by tensions of different nationalist groups Europe at its peak- industrial and population
The Alliances Triple Alliance Triple Entente Germany Austria-Hungary Italy Triple Entente France Russia Great Britain
Sketch in the following Map – label Austrian-Hungarian Empire, Serbia, Romania, Bosnia, Albania, Greece and the rest of Ottoman Empire
Francis Joseph – Emperor of Austrian- Hungarian Empire Annexed by Austria 1908 Independent Independence June 28, 1912 Conquered By Ottomans June 28, 1389 Independent
Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria and his wife Sophie
The Fuse and Spark Assassination of the Archduke Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria visits Bosnian capital (June 28, 1914) Gavrilo Princip of the Black Hand shoots Archduke and wife Austria-Hungary’s Ultimatum Austria-Hungary demands investigation Serbia refuses Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia (July 28, 1914)
The Alliance System Leads to War! Russia supported Serbia Germany supported Austria-Hungary Within one week, almost all of Europe at war Germany declares war on Russia and France Britain declares war on Germany
Boyz in the Hood – A metaphor for WWI – lefty side 1. Review the 2nd paragraph and list at least FOUR long term causes of WWI. 2. describe the alliance that is detailed in the 4th paragraph 3. in paragraph 7, who was the “rat”? Why was Stevie “in trouble”? 4. paragraph 8 – why did the “all out rumble” erupt? 5. paragraph 10 – why did the Entente finally win?
Explosion Video Clip Make a box to record notes during the video. Record AT LEAST 10 facts Video Clip – Explosion
Quiz on WWI On a separate piece of paper, draw a simple picture of a powder keg (like the one below), as a metaphor for the outbreak of WWI In the powder keg, list the prewar conditions and tensions in Europe (long term causes) Then label the fuse and the spark with the events that caused the prewar tensions to explode into war!!