Intro to Campus Accounting Bryce Ellis – Applications Specialist
Agenda Overview/ Functionality Home Screen Student Fees and Payments Daily Processing
Campus Accounting Overview
What is Campus Accounting? A web-based Student Fee Assessment, Tracking, and Payment application that interfaces with Alio and your Student Information System Automatic processes streamline the assessment and proration of class fees, activity fees, and school-required fees Fee payment processing supports cash, check and credit payments An online Payment Portal will provide convenience to parents submitting payments A Campus Accounting interface to alio that automatically updates your district’s general ledger Bank Reconciliation
Campus Accounting Features Easy integration with alio Finance Receipts, Payments, Journal Entries, Budgeting Integrates with your SIS to pull student information Pulls student contact, schedule and activity information Check Processing Refund Checks Checks to Non-Students Ex. Referee checks or vendor checks Support for Thermal Receipt Printers
Student Payment Portal Allows parents/ guardians to make payments for fees
Campus Accounting SIS Platform Integrations Skyward Synergy PowerSchool Infinite Campus
Campus Accounting Home Screen Navigation and Customization
Home Screen
Home Screen Click “Information Portal” to Customize Portlets on the Home Screen
Information Portlets Choice of portlets to display on the Home Screen Have CA specific, System, or other portlets to choose from
Schools, School Years, and Roles Choose between Schools, School Years, and User Roles
Using Search Narrow searches by using FEE:, STU: (Student Name), etc. Ex. FEE: band All search results contain fees with the world “band” in them
Tasks, Notifications, Favorites & Help Sense Active Tasks/ Task History: Displays items currently running or historical tasks previously run Notification Center – Rerun reports, print receipts, bank recon reports, etc. you previously have run Help Sense – Find documentation relating to the current page you are on Favorites – Add other screens to your favorites menu in the home screen (only can add on functions other than home screen
Campus Accounting Fees Setup and Maintenance
Fee Types “Globe” Setup Fee Setup Fee Types Fee types control defaults for actual fees Unlimited number of types of fees 1 fee can be added to many courses/sections/schools School Optional, Activity Optional, Course Required, etc. are generic to Campus Accounting
Fee Types “Globe” Setup School Setup General Setup Fee Maintenance Tab Select which fees types you would like to appear when creating fees Can see what fees are available to the school you are currently working in
Fee Maintenance Click the Green “Globe” Setup Fee Setup Fee Maintenance
Fee Groups Create a group for fees – i.e. Boys Soccer (Grouped Fee) could include both required and optional fees of Uniforms, Soccer Ball, and Cleats Green “Globe” Setup Fee Setup Fee Groups
Fee Groups When creating/ editing a fee, select the group you would like it to be a part of
Fee Maintenance (Create a Fee) Choose a fee description for the fee type – will it be a course required/ optional – school required/ optional fee? Fee code will be generated automatically Fee name is user defined Fee cost can be entered – tax can be calculated using the “Tax” button Fee can be grouped with other fees to help search and narrow down fees when assessing IMPORTANT – fee cannot be saved if it does not have an account linked to it Fees must have a linked account before they can be saved or created
Fee Maintenance (Create a Fee) First portion of fee is complete – Woodshop Fee
Fee Maintenance (Create a Fee) Select whether you want a fee to be allowed to be prorated, the priority you want it paid (when a general payment is made) and if you allow for payment plans Low and High grade will only assess to students within this grade range This is a course required fee – course optional is on the next slide and options change for it
Fee Maintenance (Create a Fee) Information in options will change if it is listed as a “Course Optional” fee Quantity: Number available on hand (i.e. 200 t-shirts available) – cannot assess fee after inventory reaches 0 Max allowed: limits students to purchasing amount of items designated here Waiver allowed: can this fee be waived by administrators Proration: do you want it to be prorated if a students drops Variable amount allowed: mainly for donations – default is no Active from/ to: how long do you want this to be active for?
Fee Maintenance (Create a Fee) Students tab – See who has been assessed the fee Image – Allows user to attach image of item/ fee (optional)
Fee Maintenance (Create a Fee) Attach this fee to a course; if student is in this course, they will be assessed required fee
Fee Maintenance (Create a Fee) Linked Fee – link other fees so that this when this fee is assessed, the linked fees are also assessed *When Assessing Woodshop Fee w/ Linked ENGR CAD 1 Fee
Assess & Pay for Fees Payment Center & Student Quick Pay
Assess a Fee “Globe” Daily Processing Payment Center Search for a student who needs the fee Click “Add/Pay for Fee(s)
Assess a Fee (Search) Search for a fee by typing the name of the fee in the Search: field Search for a group of fees by searching in the Group Filter: field Single Fee Search Group Fee Search
Assess/Pay a Fee Click “Add” to add fees P = Pay, W = Waive, A = ACH Payment (If allowed) Uncheck defaulted “P” box to just add the fee and not pay for it Leave checked to pay immediately with Cash/ Check or Credit
Pay a Fee Student has $50.00 due for the fee of Woodshop Materials
Pay a Fee Payment can be made in Payment Center or Student Quick Pay “Globe” Daily Processing Payment Center/ Student Quick Pay
Pay a Fee Pay with Cash/ Check or Credit Card
Pay a Fee Fee shows up in “Fees that have been paid” category
Create a Proration Schedule If you want your fees to be prorated, you can create a proration schedule for the semester/ quarter/ or year You will choose whether you want to fees to be prorated by the day, week, or the month
Create a Proration Schedule Percentage of fee is prorated depending on the date (daily)
Create a Proration Schedule Example of a monthly proration schedule for Q1
Reporting Campus Accounting Reports
Reports - Who Paid/ Who Didn’t Pay Allows you sorting options to find out who has paid their fees and who has not Can limit report to many different parameters on the screen
Reports - Who Paid/ Who Didn’t Pay Scheduling Create a report schedule frequency to have the report run at a set interval Destination and Format The scheduling option allows you to choose the file output format and the destination where you would like the report sent
Reports – Student Payment Listing Generate a report that lists payments posted in a specified reporting period Can run report immediately or set it up for scheduling
Reports – Receipts by Fee Category Display receipts by date and the payment type used for the payment
Student Statements Print an official statement for an individual student Lists the fees assessed and the payments made against those fees Does not list waiver fees or state payments Only the amount the parent/ guardian is expected to pay is on the statement
Student Statements Fits standard #10 envelope if for U.S. Mail Can also be emailed after parents are setup and allow emails
Labels CA allows you to print labels for the Student Statements or other documents you wish to mail
Registers Use the Registers Report to print Deposit, Receipt, General Journals, and Open AP Invoices
Accounts Receivable (A/R) Print A/R Journals, Open Items, Credit Memos, Lists, ACH lists, and Lists w/ Guardians
Waivers Print waiver reports by account to list students for whom fees are partially or fully waived and the total amount waived for each student