All About Ms. Loftus! I grew up in North Kansas City and I currently live in Overland Park. I graduated from KU in 2010 with my Bachelors and 2016 with my Masters! This is my 8th year teaching. I have taught kindergarten and 1st grade. This is my second year at Belmont! I love spending time with friends and family! I love KU sports and the Denver Broncos!
What we do in Kindergarten! Morning work Reading and writing Reading centers- reading, writing, word work, word games, listening to books, and technology Math Math centers- working with numbers, counting, shapes, hands on activities, STEM bins, technology Science Social Studies Lunch 2 recesses Specials- music, PE, art, counselor, technology, library Creative Choice Time (based on our science / social studies theme)
Specials Schedule D- Technology A- Art W- Music / PE G- Music / PE S- Counselor / Library
Important Info Read through your Back to School Flipbook- Important Info! Red nightly folder- please check every night and return the following day! Students may bring a water bottle and a healthy snack each day. I will be using SeeSaw to post newsletters, pictures, and projects! This is also the easiest way to contact me. Info on how to sign up will be coming home at back to school night! Check the monthly newsletter and any other info posted on SeeSaw to know what we are working on- Practice and reinforce these skills at home!
THANK YOU for your help and support in your child’s education! Thank you for all you do for your child! They are most successful when there is a partnership between family and school. I am SO excited to work with you and your child this school year! Please contact me if you have any questions!