An Introduction to the REAL Transition Program Orientation An Introduction to the REAL Transition Program
Who is REAL Transition for?
It is for anyone who wants to become an improved person who differs from the individual they were prior to incarceration.
How will someone know you are improving yourself and understand the progress you have made?
The REAL Transition Program provides tools necessary to begin a process of change and improvement. It also provides a way of measuring and presenting verifiable evidence of your growth.
What do you need to do to obtain the benefit from this program?
First, let us discuss your responsibilities…
Your Responsibilities • Understanding your priorities • Taking responsibility for your personal plan for success • Making a commitment • Having a proper attitude • Having a willingness to perform • Making healthy associations
How long does it take to complete the entire program?
Successfully completing everything Transition has to offer can be completed by some in six months, but for many it could take up to
If you complete the program how could it benefit you?
By simply following the weekly program you will complete two valuable documents, My Plan and My Personal Declaration.
They will aid and help you define who you are and not what the world perceives you to be.
These documents could help in your Board hearing, rehearing, or be influential in getting a redetermination.
They could also benefit you if you are paroling, terminating, or even if you have an expiration date.
By sharing your My Plan and My Personal Declaration, you can positively define who you are for your parole officer, a future employer, potential landlord, religious leaders, and family members.
I do not have a year before my hearing, rehearing, parole, termination, expiration, or redetermination?
You will be provided a tailored program to help you accomplish the maximum you can in the time you have available.
If you are interested and willing to make a personal commitment to your success, what is next?
the Orientation Manual before next week’s meeting.
Write down any questions you have about: My Plan, My Personal Declaration, The Completion Certificate Program, and what you need to do to create your My Transition Action Plan.