The Crucible Witchcraft By: Stephen Acciaioli, Issa Kaakarli, Taylre Griffiths
Maleficium and Theological Witchcraft A latin term meaning “Wrongdoing” or “Mischief”. Dangerous or harmful magic Magical act intended to cause harm/death to people or property. Theological Witchcraft- Witches for a compact with the Devil in exchange for certain powers to do evil.
Legal Concepts of Witchcraft Many different laws passed against Witchcraft. Most acts repealed and replace by others. The final act lasted from 1604 to 1736. Stated if found guilty were sentenced to death!
People Considered Witches Mostly Women. Important to society. New a lot about seasonal change. Studied herbs. Certain marks on body. (Black Spots)
Property Ownership Some women is Salem owned property. These women were accused of being witches. New England laws stated for only male inheritance of land.
Ergotism, Unusual Behaviors, Possessions Ergotism is a disorder that comes from eating contaminated rye bread. Ergot contains LSD which cause vivid hallucinations. People seemed possessed.
Stress and Clinical Hysteria Clinical hysteria shows some of the same behavior reported in Salem. These behaviors of feeling choking, being bitten, and strange postures can emerge from severe stress.
Witchcraft Today There are many forms of modern witchcraft. Many girls believe they started as early as 10 years old. There is no specific holy doctrine or one god. One common belief is the idea of worshiping nature. Observe/Aware of life & nature cycles. Refer to themselves as Pagans & Neo-Pagans.
Modern Day Witches Treated Some people don’t believe in them. Put in Jail. Humiliated in public. Sometimes just ignored.