English 10 - 2/29/16 Why does the author add Lula to the group of church members out side First Purchase? Chapter 12. What do you call a cow with no legs? Bird feed – Transmission (feed) from an earth-orbiting satellite (bird). Goals – Complete the Theme Analysis: Courage handout about Jem. Begin reading chapter 13. Homework – Read and annotate Chapter 13. Don’t forget to study for vocab. quiz #20 Wednesday. Ground beef.
English 10 - 3/1/16 What motivates Aunt Alexandra to come and stay with Atticus and the children? Cite evidence from chapter 13 to support your opinions. What were Mr. O’Connor’s three hardest years? Annie Oakley – Free pass to the theatre. Goals – Complete Ethical Issues: Segregation handout. Begin Reading Chapter 14. Homework – Read and Annotate chapter 14 in TKAM. Second grade.
English 10 - 3/2/16 Five minutes to study for vocabulary quiz #20. Why did the clown dump a bucket of water on the class? Camerature – a distorted photograph; a photographic caricature. Goals – Complete Vocab 20. Start on your weekend reading if you have any time. Homework – Read and annotate chapters 15-19 in TKAM. He wanted to make a big splash
English 10 - 3/6/14 What is the hardest part about writing for a big test like the HSPE? Read the article and write an essay. Use the check sheet to check your work. I intend to live forever… so far so good! Spermologer – one who gathers seeds. Goals – Complete the reading and writing activity. Homework – None.
English 10 - 3/7/14 Five minutes to study for vocabulary quiz #23. You have been asked to be on a committee to review your high school’s rules. Choose one rule that needs to be revised, added, or eliminated. Free write or brainstorm. you are what you eat, I’m dead meat. Quadragenarian – a person in their forties. Goals – Complete Vocab. #23. More strategies for writing on the HSPE Expository writing exam. Homework – None.