Woodcock-Johnson III Test of Achievement
Standard Test – 12 tests Test 1 Letter –Word Identification Scoring 1 = correct response 0 = incorrect response No penalty for Articulation errors Dialect variations Regional speech patterns Words not read fluently = 0 Count all items below basal as correct Basal Test complete pages until 6 lowest number administered are corrrect or item 1
Ceiling Six highest administered are incorrect, or item 76 given Starting points Preschool or Kindergarten - Item 1 page 5 Grade 1 – Item 7 page 13 Grade 2 – Item 17 page 19 Grades 3 to 4 – Item 33 page 23 Grades 5 to 6 – Item 41 page 25 Grade 7 to average adult – Item 49 page 27 College and Above Average Adult – Item 57 page 29
Test 2 Reading Fluency 3 minute time limit Stop watch Exactly 3 minutes to complete as many items as possible Record exact time if not 3 minutes Use subject response booklet Scoring 1 = correct response 0 = incorrect response Use reading fluency scoring guide to score Do not count samples or practice items Record correct and incorrect, do not unattempted items as incorrect
Test 3 Story Recall Administer samples items to all subjects Present all items from the audio recording Pause after each story so the subject can respond Look away from subject while audio recording is played, look expectantly toward subject after the double beep Do not repeat any stories May present items orally to young subjects or low functioning people - If presenting orally say paragraphs exactly as presented on recording, no more slowly or deliberately If administering delayed recall do not tell the subject Locate Story one on recording before testing begins
Scoring One point for each correctly identified element Elements separated by slashes on the record, checkmark every correctly recalled item Items in bold must be recalled verbatim, others do not 1 derivation (Jimmy rather than Jim) give credit 2 synonym (Mother & Father for parents) credit Do not penalize for dialect or regional speech patterns Record points in scoring program for each group administered Record an X for each group not administered Starting points Preschool Story 1 Page 49
Test 4 Understanding Directions Kindergarten to Grade 2 Story 3 page 51 Grades 3 to 5 Story 5 page 53 Grade 6 to Adult Story 7 Page 55 Test 4 Understanding Directions Present all items from the audio recording Adequate time for responses, but pausing is permitted Look away while item presented, after the word go look expectantly at subject Do not repeat items May present items orally, but directions exactly as recording
Test 5 Calculation Locate recordings in advance Scoring 1 = correct response 0 = incorrect response Record the number of points in scoring program for each group of pictures administered Record an X for each group not administered Starting points Preschool Picture 1 page 63 Kindergarten to Grade 4 Picture 2 Page 65 Grade 5 to Adult Picture 4 Page 69 Test 5 Calculation
Use Subject Response Booklet Scoring 1 = Correct response 0 = Incorrect response Score poorly formed and reversed numbers correct Score every item before moving to next test so that basal, ceilings, and complete queries can be established Skipped items = 0 Count all items below basal as correct Basal 6 lowest items correct Ceiling 6 highest items incorrect
Test 6 Math Fluency Starting points 3 minute limit Stop watch Preschool to Grade 1 Sample Item A Page 81 Grade 2 Item 1 Page 83 Grade 3 Item 4 page 83 Grades 4 to 6 Item 9 Page 85 Grade 9 to Average Adult Item 18 Page 85 College and Above Average Adult Item 22 Page 85 Test 6 Math Fluency 3 minute limit Stop watch Exactly 3 minutes to complete as many items as possible
Test 7 Spelling If not 3 minutes record exactly the time Use subject response booklet Scoring 1 = Correct 0 = Incorrect Use math fluency scoring guide to score Starting point, all begin with Item 1 Test 7 Spelling Know exact pronunciation Correct pronunciation provided
Use subject Response Booklet Scoring 1 – correct 0 = incorrect Score each item before next test to establish basal and ceiling Do not penalize poor handwriting Accept reversed letters that do not form different letters Accept upper or lower case except where specified Count all items below basal as correct
Test 8 Writing Fluency Basal is 6 lowest numbers Ceiling is 6 highest numbers Starting points Preschool to Kindergarten Item 1 Page 101 Grade 1 Item 8 Page 105 Grades 2 to 3 Item 12 Page 107 Grades 4 to 6 Item 20 Page 109 Grade 7 to Average Adult Item 28 Page 111 College and Above Average Adult Item 36 Page 113 Test 8 Writing Fluency 7 Minute time limit
Only 7 minutes for as many items as possible Stopwatch Only 7 minutes for as many items as possible If finishing time not 7 minutes record exact time Use Subject Booklet Small group administration is permitted for two or three subjects Scoring Score after test session Score responses 1 or 0 Must produce complete, reasonable sentences Understood subject correct (“[You] Dress the pretty doll.”) Do not penalize for pronunciation, caps or spelling Do not penalize for poor handwriting
Test 9 Passage Comprehension Examiners manual for scoring instructions Starting point – all items to all subjects Test 9 Passage Comprehension Subjects read items silently Do not tell words on this test Scoring 1 = correct 0 = incorrect Do not penalize mispronunciation due to dialect etc. Accept only one word responses Correct no matter what tense or singular/plural unless specified
Test 10 Applied Problems Basal = 6 lowest correct Incorrect if noun substituted for verb etc. Count all items below basal as correct Basal = 6 lowest correct Ceiling = 6 highest incorrect Starting points Preschool to Kindergarten Introduction Page 133 Grade 1 Item 5 Page 145 Grade 2 and Above Sample Item B Page 157 Test 10 Applied Problems Repeat items if requested Use worksheet
Paper and pencil can be provided prior to item 30 Scoring 1 = Correct 2 = Incorrect Count all items below basal as correct Basal 6 lowest correct Ceiling 6 highest incorrect Starting points Preschool to Kindergarten Item 1 Page 183 Grade 1 Item 9 Page 189 Grade 2 Item 15 Page 193 Grade 3 Item 20 Page 195 Grades 4 to 6 Item 25 Page 197 Grade 7 to 9 Item 30 Page 199
Test 11 Writing Samples Administer all items in this block Grade 10 to Average Adult Item 35 Page 201 College and Above Average Adult Item 40 Page 203 Test 11 Writing Samples Administer all items in this block Tell printed word if requested Do not spell any words Repeat instructions for an item, if needed If handwriting illegible ask to write more clearly Use subject response booklet Small group administration permitted
Scoring Items to administer 2, 1, 0r 0 depending on quality Examiner’s manual for scoring instructions Do not penalize for pronunciation, spelling, capitalization, or usage errors except when told to Do not penalize for poor handwriting Best estimate of writing skill is somewhere in middle of scoring range, see manual Items to administer Preschool to Grade 1 Items 1 to 6 Page 217 Grade 2 Items 1 to 112 Page 217 Grades 3 to 6 Items 7 to 18 Page 219 Grades 7 to Average Adult Items 13 to 24 Page 221 College and Above Average Adult Item 19 – 30 Page 223
Test 12 Story Recall-Delayed Administer Test 12 Story Recall only if Test 3 Story recall was administered Administer from 30 minute to 8 days after Test 3 Administer the same stories as in Test 3. Refer back to test record, place check on stories to be administered in test 12 Scoring 1 point for each correctly identified element Do not give points for repeating the prompt used to initiate story Elements separated by slash Elements not in bold not verbatim
If bold letter, must be verbatim Derivation of bold word, (Jimmy rather than Jim) OK Synonym very close in meaning (Afraid rather than scared) Do not penalize for mispronunciations due to dialect etc. Record number of points in software in each group administered Record and X for each group not administered