MicroWorlds, making of kite In this snip, it tells you the program of the Kite on MicroWorlds. I then realised that when you hide the turtle after its completed a Kite, its not actually done properly, but if you add another 20 to the learning bar, it fully completes the kite, but it just has a line inside it, but its still the shape of a Kite.
The program for both kites
WHAT I SOON REALISED The first program is the dodgy Kite, the second program is the right program for the Kite. When Emma needed help to do the Kite, she then told me that if I hide the turtle, its not complete, but since I let Emma copy my program, She helped me with the right program. At least I found out sooner.
What I can make with kites, and what is equle
WHAT I’VE LEARNT I now know that that sides of shapes aren’t just degrees, the can also have for example 112.5, decimals as well as degrees. If you think something is correct make sure to double check that the shape s equle like a quadrilateral, and not uneven. There are always different programs to make shapes. I also learnt that most Quadrilaterals have symmetry as well. Quadrilaterals must have a sign of symmetry otherwise they are not equal.