Global Politics: The state and globalisation Key terms Edexcel Politics A-level Global Politics: The state and globalisation Key terms
Sovereignty Absolute and unlimited power and authority.
Nation state Autonomous political community held together by citizenship and nationality.
Non-state actors Participants in international relations with significant power and influence, which are not states.
Globalisation Emergence of a complex web of interconnectedness in many forms.
Economic globalisation Growing economic integration and interdependence of economies through intensified cross-border movement of goods, services, technologies and capital.
Political globalisation Growing importance of international organisations.
Cultural globalisation Growing transmission of ideas, meanings and values around the world.
Homogenisation and monoculture Coming together of global cultures and development of a single, homogeneous culture without diversity or dissension.
Interconnectedness Mutual reliance of two or more groups.
World government Idea of a common political authority with legislative and executive power over states.
Global governance Broad and complex process of decision making at a global level.
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