World of Whales
Work with your partner. Write your answers in your book. To learn more about whales, you will complete this quest by doing the activities. You will investigate the following questions. What makes whales different from fish? What are the different kinds of whales? What does a whale look like? What does a beluga whale eat? What does a blue whale eat? What does migratory mean? Work with your partner. Write your answers in your book.
What makes whales different from fish? Whales do live in the water to survive, but they are not fish. In your book, make a chart comparing and contrasting whales and fish. Your chart may look something like the one below: Whales Fish Click on the website below to learn the difference between whales and fish.
What are the different kinds of whales? The two main types of whales are baleen whales and toothed whales. Draw a picture in your book showing whales that have baleen and whales that have teeth. Click on the website below to learn about baleen whales and toothed whales.
What does a whale look like? In your book, draw a beluga whale (toothed whale) and a blue whale (baleen whale). Label these parts: mouth, blowhole, eye, dorsal fin, flipper, flukes, and teeth or baleen. Click on the website below to help you do this activity. You will have to scroll down to find the beluga whale and the blue whale.
What does a beluga whale eat? What does a blue whale eat? Click on the website below to find what each whale eats. In your book, draw and write what each whale eats. Your journal may look like the chart below. A beluga whale eats… A blue whale eats…
Whales are migratory animals. In your book, tell in your own words what migratory means. Talk over with your partner before you write. Click on the website below to learn about migration.
Congratulations! You have finished your World of Whales activities! Now you are ready to enjoy your amazing whale watching experience!