Open Water Fish
The barracuda is a ray-finned fish known for its large size (up to 6 ft in length for some species) and scary appearance
The lower jaw of the large mouth juts out beyond the upper
They are voracious predators and hunt using a classic example of lie-in-wait or ambush. They rely on surprise and short bursts of speed (up to 27mph (43 km/h) to overrun their prey
Like sharks, barracudas have long had a bad reputation as being dangerous to humans
Tunas are fast swimmers, they have been clocked at 70 km/h (45 mph)
Bluefin Tuna
Thanks to 4 decades of overfishing, the bluefin tuna has been driven to just 3% of its 1960 population levels A single bluefin sold for $172,400 at the first auction of 2001 at Tokyo's Tsukiji Fish Market
Yellowfin Tuna
Yellowfins tend to school with fishes of the same size, including other species of tuna, and larger fish are often seen with dolphins, porpoises, whales and whale sharks
Females, which are significantly larger than males, can reach 14 feet in length and weigh more than 1,985 pounds
Blue marlins prefer the higher temperature of surface waters, feeding on mackerel and tuna, but will also dive deep to eat squid
Mackerel travel in schools that often contain thousands of fish Mackerel travel in schools that often contain thousands of fish. The swift swimming mackerel has a streamlined body and swims at high speeds for extended periods of time searching for food
scientists believe that conformity of body size within a specific school is necessary to allow all fish to maintain identical swimming speeds