DO NOW Do you think war is ever okay or right?
Crusades Ms. Baquedano
Vocab Crusades: A series of Religious wars launched by European Christians to reclaim Jersalem and other Holy Sites from Muslims Sultan: supreme ruler of a muslim state Holy Land: the Area between Egypt and Syria that was the Ancient homeland of Jews and the place where Jesus Christ had lived. Also called Palestine Where have you heard “Palestine” before?
The Beginning 10th Seljuk Turks establish the Muslim Dynasty Seljuks grew quickly, took modern-day Syria and Palestine and parts of the Byzantine Empire
The Holy Land Jerusalem is sacred to three religions for three reasons Christians: Site of Jesus’ crucifixion Jews: Site of sacred temple Muslims: Where Muhammad [their prophet/messiah] rose to heaven
Jerusalem Under Muslim rule starting in the 7th century Still allowed all faiths to come for pilgrimages Rights of non-muslims changed frequently depending on ruler Some rulers allowed Christian churches to be destroyed
Gearing Up for War When Seljuks took Palestine, politics got nasty Robbery on roads, fierce rulers all scared Christians traveling to holy land Seljuks steadily conquered land until they were at the foot of the Constantinople **Remember, Constaninople is the capital of the Byzantine Empire, a Christian Empire Too close for comfort for Byzantine Emperor, calls Pope Urban for help.
Beginning of the Crusades Pope Urban takes the Byzantine Emperor’s plea for help seriously Calls for an army of devout Christians to rise up and fight the “infidels”
Reflection Questions What route would you take to get to Jerusalem from Europe? What are the benefits of owning all this land?