ADEA Annual Session Council of Faculties Report March 2018 Orlando, FL
Responsibilities of COF Members Recruit faculty from home institution to join ADEA Participate in Council of Faculties meetings at the Annual Session and Fall Meetings Relay information back to home institution from Annual Session and Fall Meetings Serve and vote in the House of Delegates Vote for Chair Elect of ADEA and all open positions in the Council of Faculties Work with school administration to nominate a candidate for the ADEA/Colgate-Palmolive Co. Excellence in Teaching Award
Board Director Report Dr. Ryan Quock Taskforce on Assessment for Readiness to Practice (ADEA-ADA-ASDDA) has philosophically agreed to: Eliminate one-time live procedure-based exams Increase portability of licensure exams Strategic Plan: Board is working with Chair Monty MacNeil to update Summer Health Professions Education Program (SHPEP formerly SMDEP) shows success! 65% of pre-dental students applied 70% of those were accepted 100% matriculated
Licensure & Readiness to Practice Next Steps Build relationships with state dental boards to increase their understanding and trust in exams different than those currently given Increase the number of states using contemporary licensure processes that are using alternative testing Increase the number of states accepting all current pathways of licensure to increase portability Develop contemporary approaches to licensure
Licensure & Readiness to Practice Next Steps Separate, but in parallel, the ADA is already working on developing an OSCE and putting together a compendium of competency assessments that will be provided to U.S dental boards
ADEA Annual Session 2700 registered for meeting (100 new attendees) 280 Posters 66 Exhibitors June 1st- deadline for 2019 Annual Session program submissions
COF Meeting Program “Generational Differences: How They Affect You, Me, and the Workplace” Learning objectives: Define the generations and their general characteristics Discuss ways these generational differences can be used to benefit our workplace Discuss the importance of being aware of these generational differences as an individual Moderated by Dr. James Lott Panelists: Dr. Doug Barnes, Dr. Yaara Berdan. Dr. Alison Doubleday . Dr. Betsy Pilcher. Dr. Burke Soffe
Council of Faculties Elections Member-At-Large: Dr. Burke Soffe (Roseman) ADEA weTeach advisory group: Dr. Tracy De Peralta (UMich) ADEA Annual Session Planning Committee: Dr. Eric Bernstein (UConn)
ADEA Chapters at Schools Council of Faculties will be working with Council of Students, Residents, and Fellows to promote ADEA Chapters at schools. This coming year will be the “year of the chapter.” Chapter Toolkit: OSRF/Student_Chapter_Toolkit/ADEA_Chapter_Toolkit_f or_Students,_Residents_and_Fellows.html
ADEA/Colgate-Palmolive Co ADEA/Colgate-Palmolive Co. Excellence in Teaching Award Awarded by Council of Faculties 2018 Recipient Dr. Janice Townsend Associate Professor and Department Head of Pediatric Dentistry Louisiana State University Nominations for 2019 due November 2018! COF Members to work with school administration to submit nominations! Each year, the Council of Faculties selects one educator from across the nation who has demonstrated excellence in teaching. This award comes with a cash prize. Each Council of Faculties member is encouraged to work with their institution to identify and nominate an excellent educator! Nominations are due in November. This year, we are expanding the criteria so that faculty who teach at dental schools, post-graduate programs affiliated with hospitals, and those in allied health programs will all be eligible. In the past, it has only been open to faculty who teach at one of the dental schools. This year, the Council of Faculties celebrates Dr. So Ran Kwon from Loma Linda University in California! Let’s start thinking about who we might nominate from our programs for next year!
Principal Officers 2018-2019 Dr. Leon Assael-(UCSF)- Immediate Past Chair Dr. Monty McNeil-(UCONN)- Chair Dr. Henry Gremillion (LSU)- Chair-elect
Fall Meetings ADEA 2018 Fall Meetings, October 24-26, 2018, Toronto, Canada COF focus will be OSCEs: What are they? How do you construct one? There was a suggestion to check with your home institution regarding international travel- this may require advanced planning for the trip: