Feeding the website with new visualisation tools Dissemination Working Group Agenda Point 9 14/11/2017 ESTAT.B4 – A. Maqueda & J. Urhaussen
Themes in the spotlight 18 published since January 2017 User friendly small infographics (dynamic/static) Covering a broad range of subjects New visualisation tool on air transport Released on September 2017
Technical specificities (dynamic visualisations) Connected to web services (when possible) Responsive Possibility of translation /sharing
Dynamic visualisation tools… …can be found on the Eurostat website
… and on the THEMES IN THE SPOTLIGHT page http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/news/themes-in-the-spotlight
Labour Market in the EU
Gross monthly earnings by economic activity
Household consumption expenditure
European Statistics Day
EU cities on the move
Europe Day
New tool on air transport in the EU
Thank you for your attention! Any questions, comments or suggestions? ana.maqueda-lafuente@ec.europa.eu