Transition Supporting children as they move settings Brian Netto - Lead Early Years Officer Sharon Bristow – Business Advisor Friday 19th October 2018
Transition for all children ‘We believe that smooth transitions support the personal social and emotional development, learning and future success of every child’ DfE and DH (2015) SEN and disability code of practice 0-25 years ‘Transitions should be seen as a process not an event, and should be planned for and discussed with children and parents. Settings should communicate information which will secure continuity of experience for the child between settings’ Early Years Foundation Stage Practice Guidance 2008 ‘If transition is a process the key to its success lies in the preparation and planning beforehand and the settling in, or follow up, afterwards.’ Council for disabled children ‘School readiness is about the school being ready for the child rather than expecting the child to be ready for their journey.’
Why review transition? Feedback - Increasing communication and information sharing Partnership working – Collaborative approach with PVI’s, childminders, schools, parents and children Accurate judgements and moderation Securing family information Support for children with SEND Paperless transition document Multi-agency approach Lack of early years data
Key Criteria Practical information to support settling the child Extract information Easily Focus on prime areas Develop partnership working Parent friendly language Supporting children with SEND Offline solution Secure solution Timelines Responses from schools Budget
Implementation Review transition document and process, document sections: Details Practitioner Assessment – Development Matters Practitioner checklist Inclusion Child/Parent/Carer comments Paperless submission - Secure and encrypted School/Provider and Parent messaging
View documentation at Transition Document View documentation at
Supporting Transition 2017/2018 Workshops Pilot feedback – provider Guides and support documentation available online Egress (secure email) setup support Adobe Reader setup support Process support Parent information flyer Survey
Transition – Feedback 2017/2018 600 transition documents sent through secure and encrypted mail Positive feedback from schools as to the transition document content and information capture PVI experienced some technical challenges Confirmations for PVIs documents received by schools
What next? Refine process for children with SEND Publish recommended timelines Review document – fine tuning Provide documentation to support schools with extracting data Online language translations to support parent completion
Questions and Answers on Transition