If you were absent Friday….you missed a test You need to come in either during lunch or after school today to make it up.
Homework: Choose 1 site. Write the name of your site. Draw a small sketch of the layout of the site. Draw a small sketch of a symbol or feature of the site. Put yourself in the shoes of one of the people who helped to build one of these astronomical sites. What would you have been thinking as you were building or designing it? How would you explain to someone now what your purpose was in building the site?
Then…copy this website down Summarize your notes by answering the questions from the beginning of class. Then…copy this website down http://sunearthday.nasa.gov/2005/ Click on technology through time at the bottom and look at the ancient astronomy sites
For your site
You Need more information about your site You must find 2 sources You must cite your sources!! Not Wikipedia I recommend looking for videos as one of your sources To turn it in, you must take a picture and submit it through the assignment on Google Classroom
More Color = More Points!!! Who Built it What did they build? Where is it located? Why was it built? When is the grand opening? How did they build it? Come up with a slogan Design a logo What should people wear or bring? Who all will be there? Etc. The more you add, the more credit you’ll receive
Good Examples
Meh Examples
More Color = More Points!!! Who Built it What did they build? Where is it located? Why was it built? When is the grand opening? How did they build it? Come up with a slogan Design a logo What should people wear or bring? Who all will be there? Etc. The more you add, the more credit you’ll receive