World History Coach Miller
My family
5 Themes Interaction between humans and the environment Development and interaction of Cultures State building, Politics, Expansion and Conflicts Creation, Expansion and Interaction of Economic Systems Development and Transformations of Society
1st Skill - Making or creating historical arguments using evidence Analyze historical arguments and explain how an argument has been constructed from evidence Construct convincing interpretations of historical evidence Evaluate conflicting evidence to construct arguments
2nd Skill Chronological reasoning Cause and Effect Continuity and Change (very tough skill) Understanding large scale patterns over time Connecting these patterns to historical processes, themes or major events Periodization How one defines historical periods Its about understanding turning points
3rd Skill - Comparison and Context Comparing different societies Comparing the possible perspective of different people on a given event (being in their shoes) Context What else would be going on at this time in other parts of the world? How would these multiple events connect?
4th Skill – Interpretation and Synthesis Why are there different interpretations? Take your own values out of the equation What would Spock do? Synthesis Putting all this together and forming something new
Homework Read 3.1 and 3.2 of history alive and fill out themes sheet.