A JOURNEY TOWARDS INCLUSION ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE A JOURNEY TOWARDS INCLUSION Lydia Warren & Sam Ming: Co-Chairs BartsAbility; Patricia Handley: Lead Nurse Learning Disabilities Delordson Kallon: Head of Clinical Transplantation Laboratory – Pathology Michael Pantlin: Director of People
#BartsAbility is a staff led initiative which aims is to improve the experiences of employees with a disability. At the centre of the initiative is the Staff Diversity Network - Disability Subgroup which aims to promote a culture where staff are open about their disability and work to ensure that everyone is able to bring their authentic self to work.
We know employees frequently do not declare a disability or health condition that impacts on their role which can be to their detriment and that of the Trust We know that employees and their managers often find talking about this difficult The BartsAbility Passport is to support an employee with a health condition, disability or learning difficulty/difference It will do this by supporting a conversation between an employee and their line-manager about (i) the specific ways their condition affect how they do their job and (ii) what reasonable adjustments are required
Embedding the Passport WeCare Trust Values – Equitable We are embedding the Passport in the everyday business of the Trust through the annual appraisal and other routes We want Barts Health to be the employer of choice and have a workforce where all staff are able to contribute and achieve their potential Trust values The overarching purpose of both forms is identical: high-performing teams are underpinned by individuals having clear objectives, supported to undertake their job to the best of their ability. While most of the “We Care” values are contained in the appraisal, the “Equitable” value is personified in the discussion around, and then implementation of, reasonable adjustments Talk briefly what we are doing re recruitment State we have copies for reference
#BartsAbility – Dyslexia Support Team Mission Why it is Important How we made the change To raise awareness and create a good environment within Barts Health so that people with dyslexia feel welcome, supported and able to reach their potential Supporting staff with dyslexia improves their motivation, loyalty, efficiency and productivity. An inclusive climate reduces stress levels, sickness and turnover of all staff; Improves Trust reputation and is a recruitment legal and moral obligation Executive Support Engage with stakeholders especially Occ. Health Presentations Media campaign Social Media Blogging Collating suggestions Creating short, medium and long term goals
#BartsAbility – Dyslexia Support Team Impact Next Steps? Our advice … Created dyslexiasupport@bartshealth.nhs.uk email 27 people across sites have expressed interest in being Dyslexia Champions Multiple support requests from nurse managers and others 1 x request from doctor for assessment 1 X request advice for ‘reasonable adjustment’ at interview Add Dyslexia to Induction package Identify and fund a Trust Dyslexia Lead Engage Site-based Dyslexia Champions Set up Dyslexia Forum Expand Dyslexia Intranet Site Role out use of assistive technology Create eCPD Dyslexia course Executive support crucial Believe 100% in what you are doing A committed Triumvirate Resilience Don’t be afraid to ask for and accept advice Be prepared for a reality check
Access all Areas Our Mission ‘How can we better support access to Trust meetings and events for all of our colleagues? ’ ‘Moving around the Trust can be difficult and tiring. I do not use public transport because of my disability. This means I cannot attend meetings at other locations without a taxi’ Where we are now Where we want to be… information about accessibility of rooms is inconsistent and not always readily available some rooms used for meetings and events are not fully accessible for all our staff too often the needs of colleagues with a disability are not given sufficient consideration for meetings and events ‘Everyone has an equal opportunity to contribute and participate in meetings and attend events’ ‘the meeting rooms in Prescot Street on the second floor are not very accessible as you have to swipe and pull the door. At the same time’ ‘If there is a lot of background noise, I find it very difficult to hear- so meetings with a lot of group discussion can be challenging’
What are we doing? Information Guidance Behaviour change Developing Guidelines and a Checklist for hosting Accessible Meetings and Events Information ‘Can everyone Access all Areas?’ Campaign to highlight issues and prompt behaviour change Compiling a Register detailing Accessibility of all Trust rooms used for meetings Ensuring that all Trust booking systems indicate accessibility Guidance Behaviour change Alison Cann – Estates and Facilities Alison.cann@bartshealth.nhs.uk Ian Basnett- Director of Public Health Ian.basnett@bartshealth.nhs.uk diversityandinclusion@bartshealth.nhs.uk
Mental Health First Aid We all have mental health just like we have physical health. Mental ill health can strike at any time and can affect people from all walks of life. Although things are improving, stigma still exists around mental ill health. As a society, we don't tend to know how to take care of our mental health like we do our physical health. This means that people may not know how to support a friend, family member or colleague experiencing a mental health issue, or where to go for support with their own mental health. Stress, anxiety and depression are the biggest cause of sickness absence in our society. This has been recognised here at Barts Health and we have invested in the Mental Health First Aid programme as an early intervention to tackle stigma and discrimination, empowering staff with a long term mental health issue or disability to thrive. We currently have a network of 50 MHFA of all disciplines where staff can access their contact details in their time of need.
Removing Barriers by Sam Ming & Lydia Warren