An atypical career Dr Catherine Elliott
My career path (s) Medicine – obstetrics and gynaecology Edinburgh Clinical academic training London Sub-specialist training and CCST MPhil – Medical Law and ethics Medical Defence Union Wales (WAH) Research governance at MRC Prion Unit MRC Head Office London Research ethics and governance Clinical research funding NMHB University of Edinburgh: College Registrar, CMVM Edinburgh
Choices Changes Chances
Choices Try to question – its alright to get off the escalator! What do you enjoy and are good at- many skills are transferable Seek good advice and mentorship
Changes Life happens – for good and for bad Balance and priorities shift Try to keep doors open in turbulent times for the calmer times ahead
Chances Serendipity is real! Know your risk appetite Transfer your skills and be confident in them Be proactive about opportunities and training
University of Edinburgh College