Assessing Oral Language Proficiency in our students Learning about speaking tests
The Lighter Side….
What’s on tap? What are the principles of good test design? Practice making test rubrics and assessing. Learn how to deliver and design a “retelling” speaking test AND a level placement test.
What do you believe….? We give tests so that …………………….. Tests provide teachers with …………………….. When testing in my class, I usually …………………….. Tests help students …………………….. A good speaking test should …………………….. All tests must …………………….. My opinion on tests is …………………….. An example of one kind of test is ……………………..
The Alphabet Soup of Assessment Multiple choice Rubrics Marks Standardized Checklist Norm / Criteron Performance Summative Formative Diagnostic Ratings Placement High Stakes Peer / Self Alternative Produce Prepare Pronounciation Personalize Possibility Pleasure
Background: The Purpose of Tests Andrew Finch, Kyungpook Nat. Univ. of Education , Daegu, S. Korea
Basics 1 – Making a rubric What is a rubric? "a scoring tool that lists the criteria for a piece of work or 'what counts.' " -- Heidi Goodrich
Complete the Following….. The purpose of testing is…. Tests can easily become …. Classroom based tests should ……… Also, they should ……….
Complete the Following….. The purpose of testing is…. To give information to the students and teachers (also parents!)
Complete the Following….. Tests can easily become …. Normative and Comparative. (but should be Criterion based and about what the student CAN do)
Complete the following Classroom based tests should ……… Non – threatening environment Focus on “real situations” and the process of learning.
Complete the Following….. Also, they should ………. Provide big picture. Emphasize thinking skills and collaboration. provide information and be about the learning.
Test what the student CAN do THE GOLDEN RULE! Test what the student CAN do NOT What the student can’t!
What does speaking consist of? Fluency Vocabulary Successful Students Pronunciation Listening skills / Comp. Grammar
Fill in the rubric with descriptors Fluency Well Developed Limited some good unclear Parts clear Mostly clear Very clear Pronunciation Vocabulary limited adequate sound extensive Effort poor fair Good excellent
Assessing through an Interview Students know the questions and have practiced. Design the rubric. Select 4 questions to ask a student. Score the student based on their response.
Oral Assessment using retelling Retelling is a powerful way to fully assess a student’s ability to produce language. It shows with validity that a student understands the language used and most importantly, can use it. ______________________________________ List the main ideas of the story. Design a rubric or storytelling checklist. Ask the student(s) to retell the story. Check all ideas that the student successfully retells/relates. Total the score.
Checklist Major Ideas: Heungbu / Nolbu 1 2 3 Two brothers, one poor , one rich. Heungbu asks for food. Nolbu refuses. A swallow comes. Heungbu helps. Gets a seed. 3 gourds grow. Treasure comes out. Nolbu is jealous. Does the same. Monsters come out. Heungbu helps Nolbu. Nolbu changes. They live happily. Score
Oral Assessment using “sequencing” – HOW TO……. Explaining “how to” do something is an excellent way to assess student speaking ability. ________________________________ List the main steps. Teach / practice. Design a checklist. Ask the student(s) to explain “how to...” Check all steps that the student successfully retells/relates. Total the score.
Checklist Steps: How to make a P&J sandwich 1 2 3 Get two slices of bread. Put peanut butter on one. Put jelly on top of the peanut butter. Cut the sandwich in half. Eat the sandwich!
Beware of “narrow” testing
Be Careful! Assure all students understand the criteria of assessment (the rubric) Did you teach enough, the required content? Pre Test Check for “Silent Period” Provide a proper environment / warm up. Test what you taught! During Testing Give students specific feedback allow for a retake. Praise! After Testing Flood & Lapp, 1992
Questions in increasing difficulty Placement Testing Key Vocabulary A great Picture Character 1: Character 2: Questions in increasing difficulty Vocabulary Rank
Websites to help test speaking Teacher Evaluation “one teaches, two learn.”