Friday, February 9th Day 4
Jaden 4 Jackson 6
In the Gym NB #1 Sr Boys basketball practice NB #2 . NB #2 Lyrical dance team will meet on the stage at 12:50 today! After School .
In the Music Room NB #1 NB #2 After School Open practice VOCAL ensemble… we have a new name yet? Have you submitted your idea? After School Sign-out over the weekend :)
Monday- NB #1 *bring forms Indoor Track Practice Monday- NB #1 *bring forms
LAST DAY! We hope you have found any lost items. They will be packed up this afternoon and donated!
Monday Feb 12 and Tuesday Feb 13 BUY one for yourself or/and a friend Sweet Treat for Sale Monday Feb 12 and Tuesday Feb 13 BUY one for yourself or/and a friend COST: 2 for $1.00 Where: In the Library Who: First Break Primary Students Second Break Jr/Int Students
Winona Wish
Kindergarten... Winona Wish Jennifer Mrs.Hilbert Mrs. Hayes
Primary... Winona Wish Finn Mrs. Dexter-Meyers Lanna Ms. Bodi
Junior... Winona Wish Jacob Mrs.Durfey
Intermediate... Winona Wish
What is an Olympic Torch Relay?
PyeongChang Olympic Plaza where the flame will be lit by the torch at the end of opening ceremonies. Link: Learn more about the relay - FAQs Link: Story of the PyeongChang Torch Relay
Have a special day, Winona