EVALUATING BLOGS FOR COLLABORATION What is a blog? A blog is a kind of online journal that its author updates frequently with new musings and information. In terms of organization, a blog is collection of posts or messages. Multiple contributions Private blog can be created for a group Communication and collaboration between the group is the major task
blogger Blogger ( is Google’s blog- hosting community ,and with more than 8 million individual blogs, the largest blog hosts on the internet Blogger dashboard is where we can manage all our blog activity. We can posts and edit comments.
typepad TypePad ( is quite similar to blogger. We can customize your blog with a number of different designs and widgets, and you can select multiple coauthors for your blog. Its not free, you pay anywhere from $4.95 to $89.5 per month
wordpress Wordpress ( is another popular blog-hosting community. Its similar to both blogger and typepad but its more customizable. We can choose from slidebar widgets and a private members-only option. We can create multiple blogs and assign multiple authors.
A web widget is a software widget for the web A web widget is a software widget for the web. It's a small application with limited functionality that can be installed and executed within a web page by an end user.
Evaluating wikis for collaboration A wiki is a website which allows its users to add, modify, or delete its content via a web browser usually using a simplified markup language or a rich-text editor. Wikis are powered by wiki software. Most are created collaboratively. Some - permit control over different functions (levels of access). For example, editing rights may permit changing, adding or removing material.
Final method for group collaboration is the wiki Wikipedia is, in essence, a giant online encyclopedia. Articles are written, edited and elaborated on & by people of all types First wiki was wikiwikiweb- the exchage of ideas between the computer programmers. Private wiki invites all group members to create new pages on wiki site and to edit any existing page
PBwiki PBwiki ( offers various levels of wiki hosting Small wikies are free, larger wikies are priced low as $4 per user per month Wiki creation is easy and various templates are provided. We can also get online file storage to help you organize your other documents as part of your wiki.
versionate Versionate ( offers hosted wikies designed for group colloboration. A versionate wiki is business friendly provides sss-level security. Free(500mb storage), personal(2GB), business(unlimited ,enterprise(unlimited) The site( provides free wiki hosting. Wiki creation is via the GeboBebo engine, which offers a local database structure, user and right management.
wikispaces Wikispaces ( claims to host more than 450,000 individual wikis. Standard features include image and file uploading, widget and media embedding. A variety of hosting plans are available from basic to private label premium($800/month)
zohowiki Zohowiki ( this offers free wiki hosting complete with WYSIWYG editing, versioning of wiki pages and the ability to publish wiki pages free. Wiki is managed from dashboard page.
Is cloud computing necessary for group collaboration yess