Skills Development guide 04.19.17
SUCCESS FROM THE FIELD – 5 Min Objective: Ensure adoption and reinforcement of training content from previous week. Instructions: Request volunteers to share what worked/what did not work in the field. Discuss actual case studies. Note: Ask a few team members to prepare prior to the meeting.
SKILLS DEVELOPMENT TOPIC – 10 Min Objective: Improve the knowledge level of the sales team around a specific area of the sales process Instruction: Focus on a key area of the sales process that the team might be struggling with (ex- Building Rapport, Discovery Questions, Presentation Skills, Closing Skills, Negotiation Skills) and teach the team. Note: This is a simple introduction of the topic and should only be focused on skill development. This training is not around product or company.
ROLE PLAY DEMONSTRATION – 10 Min Objective: Sales Manager demonstrates how to properly execute the skill set. Instructions: Ask one member of the team to play the part of the customer. Give them a few moments to create the scenario. Once they are ready begin the role play. Ensure that you stick to the process. Note: In order to maximize time give one member of the team the assignment of preparing the role play scenario the previous day. The Sales Manager should not be aware of the scenario in advance.
FEEDBACK DISCUSSION – 5 min Objective: To ensure the sales team captures how to properly execute the specific skill set. Instruction: Go around to each team member and ask them what they thought went well and what could have been better. Note: You are not looking for perfection but what is more important is the ability of the team to spot the key activities that took place and that the step of the objective was met
TEAM ROLE PLAYS – 20 Min Objective: Ensure that members of the sales team can properly execute specific skill set. Instructions: Same process as before but this time 1-2 members of the team will play the part of the sale rep. The Sales Manager will have 2 specific scenarios prepared and play the part of the customer. Note: These role play should not be rehearsed or scripted. They should be as realistic as possible
FEEDBACK DISCUSSION – 5 min Objective: To ensure the sales team captures how to properly execute the specific skill set. Instruction: Go around to each team member and ask them what they thought went well and what could have been better. Note: You are not looking for perfection but what is more important is the ability of the team to spot the key activities that took place and that the step of the objective was met.
CALL TO ACTION – 5 min Review material from today’s training Execute what you have learned from the training over the next week Come prepared to share 2-3 learnings from the week (good or bad)